Holy Boldness

assistance. Getting God in our game happens when we believe Him and follow through with deliberate acts of obedience. Often that requires action without any clear awareness of how it will work out. Consider the fact that Jesus challenged His disciples to give 5000 people some thing to eat when they had nothing but five loaves of bread and two fish? They were likely overwhelmed with the task but Jesus was with them and calmly demonstrated partnering with the will of God and experiencing His assistance. He gave thanks, broke the bread and fish, and watched it multiply till all were satisfied. Such simplicity and such profundity. In like manner, the Israelites were commanded by God to march into Canaan, and occupy the land God had given them. Unfortunately, they failed to inherit the land because they could not overcome the obstacles and wandered for 40 years in the wilderness. They were not blocked by the Canaanites. They were blocked by fear and unbelief. Much of the church has been stifled in its forward motion for the same reason. When there is a lack of the fear of the Lord, the fear of everything else stops all forward motion. The Fear of the Lord equips us to receive, process, and execute our divine assignments. None of us knows where our destiny will lead us. But the scriptures make it clear that it will take courage to finish the race. Just as God repeatedly exhorted Joshua to “be bold and courageous” (Joshua 1: 6, 9) as he prepared to enter the promised land, so God is exhorting the church in this hour to take courage. Jesus came into the world to get all of mankind back in rhythm with God’s ultimate plan: Discipling nations, governing kingdoms, filling the earth with His glory. The Church is at a crossroads. Amid great shaking, a great opportunity is rising for those who possess the moral courage to seize the opportu nity. We are perched upon one of the greatest opportunities in our lives to be a part of one of the greatest moves of God the world has ever seen. However, it will take the fear of the Lord to fully engage all that God has intended. The fear of the Lord grants a person the wisdom, the focus, and the moral courage to face the giants in the land . This courage will come as we cultivate the fear of the Lord. For that to happen, something must change inside of God’s people. A different perspective and attitude and focus must be established that will

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