Holy Boldness

Introduction I woke up from a restless sleep and immediately looked into the face of a lion who was roaring at me. It was a long sustained roar. Within seconds I knew exactly who He was and what He was roaring about. It was Jesus, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, and He was roaring about a fear that I was carrying inside of me. My family and I were facing some transition issues. We were either going to have to move or believe God for what seemed like an impossible solu tion and I was troubled about how to move forward. When I woke up, there He was roaring, not at the circumstances we were facing, but at the fear and anxiety that I was carrying. He began to speak to my mind, “My son, I cannot allow you in my kingdom while you are wearing that (fear).” Then He added, “I don’t even have a shelf for it.” Then He turned and walked away. The encounter did not last very long but I knew exactly what I had to do. The fear had to go. I know it sounds funny, but I rolled over and went back to sleep. When I woke up an hour later, peace had settled on me. I knew that I could never go back and pick up the fear again. Later that morning I went out into the woods and drove a stake in the ground. Something changed that day and I have never been the same. The prob lem I was facing remained, but I had no fear. Within a month our circumstances changed, the pieces fell into place, we transitioned into a new grace, settled into our new accommodations, and began a fresh journey in the purpose of God. Since then I have come to realize again that walking by faith is a daily challenge, simply part of the overcomer’s lifestyle. “Without faith, it is impossible to please Him ”. (Hebrews 11:6) God is not afraid to ask us to do the impossible! If we could see all that God has called us to do, we just might be intimidated. If we do not learn to believe God, our destinies individually and corporately will remain out of our reach because no one can fulfill their destiny without God’s

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