Holy Boldness
lead us into our purpose. The greatest advance of the Kingdom of God in history is right in front of us. As we stand on the verge of a new era, we must consciously cultivate the fear of the Lord because without it we will lose our nerve in the heat of the battle. The Example of Jesus It may be a new concept for many but Jesus was fully human and therefore operated out of the principle of the fear of the Lord. It was the backdrop to all that He did and every critical decision He made. It was a critical agent in His moral apparatus. It undergirded His extraordinary life and mission. This book is a study of Jesus’ life example and teaching on the fear of the Lord. It was a recurring theme in everything he did and said. He prepared His followers to be world changers and over-comers by culti vating in them the fear of the Lord. It is our purpose to show how Jesus himself grew in the fear of the Lord, how he leaned on it during some of His most challenging moments, how he leveraged it in confrontation with His adversaries, and how he taught His disciples to live by it and walk in it. If a person understands the foundational importance of the fear of the Lord and cultivates it, everything else will become easier and one’s discernment will increase incrementally. The fear of the Lord is developed in a person when loving God through obedience becomes the highest motivation. The fear of the Lord is the initial platform for one’s eternal purpose. “Come, my children, listen to me, and I will teach you the fear of the Lord. ” Psalm 34: 11 I want to appeal to you, the reader, to give yourself time to read and meditate upon this book. It is not a quick study. But if you will be patient with it, you will be richly rewarded and find a deeper meaning to your life and expression as a believer and follower of Jesus.
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