Forty Days Full - An Invitation To Real Life
We became very precise in measuring that last piece of pie. At times even rulers were used. This was to ensure that no one got cheated. This principle can be applied to more than just pie. We all want our fair share! The earth is a single sphere and therefore has a limited supply of resources. Mankind has been fighting over pieces of land, harvests of crops, underground oil reserves and anything else of value we could get our hands on. Heaven is different! Both Ezekiel and the apostle John, when encountering the heavenly realm, described a river flowing from under the throne of God. Heaven is an endless river of life and its source is God. To live as a joint heir with Christ you must embrace a river mentality in a pie-minded world. With God as my source I never have to be afraid I won't get mine. There is no jealousy in heaven. Since there is not lack, there is no fighting for more. God is the highest and the lowest all at the same time. He is master of the universe and servant of all, simultaneously. Joint heirs are also excited about the family business. Looking for a free ride doesn't make sense, because laziness is counterintuitive. Even though my daughters are now adults and live on their own, they are still my children. They don't need to ring the doorbell when they come over. In fact, they don't even need permission to come over. They can just walk right into my house without fear. They check out what’s in the refrigerator. They can turn on the TV. They act like they own the place. Because, in fact, they do. Everything I have ultimately belongs to them. That is how inheritance works! That is unless I am the selfish type who drives around a fancy car with a bumper sticker that says, "I'm spending my children's inheritance." I want to give my children a great inheritance because I love them. Even now, if I am able, it is my desire to help them out when they have a need. I want to use my resources to bless
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