Forty Days Full - An Invitation To Real Life
them. This is the way of the Father. Our inheritance is not just limited to when we die. We inherit the Kingdom now!
“We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain, where our forerunner, Jesus, has entered on our behalf.” (Hebrews 6:19-20a NIV) One of the greatest benefits of our faith is hope. The alternative to hope is being hopeless. Even if there were no God, I'd rather live with hope. Hope makes me a better person. Hope gives me confidence in a better future. Hope filled people are more fun to live with. You may be worried because you’ve filled your life with the news of the day. You may think my perspective is immature because I don’t take into account the potential threats all around me. You may criticize me for choosing joy when there are problems everywhere. Go ahead and call me ignorant but show me how your hopeless life is better than my hope-filled life! You can't be happy and hopeless! Many in the church seem to be in love with pending doom. Why do we love to talk about how things are worse now than ever? How can we be consumed with negativity when there are so many promises? If the world has broken your dreams, hope in God. Where can a person place their hope without God? Trust in humanity? We don't have a very good track record. Trust in evolution? According to this theory it takes millions of years to bring change. Trust is personal accomplishment? You may be remembered, but you won't care because you'll be dead! A hope-filled life is a life of expectancy. There is always pending good on the horizon for me! This is not just the nature of an optimist, but a confidence based upon promises. Heaven is the place where all of His promises will be fulfilled. You and I have an inheritance that starts now!
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