Beginning Tomorrow Today - By Timothy Sherman
caring, and powerful God who created each one of them individu ally with a great and wonderful purpose that they could now freely receive. They became a new creation in Christ, free to become who they were created to be since the beginning of time. This is some thing we Americans take for granted, but it was a foreign concept to these students. Our divine purpose was to bring all these special people pres ent into a meaningful fulfillment for their life as a new believer and follower o fJesus. They were becoming an army o f freedom fighters, God's army oflove. Their new life in God was bringing them joy and value. They received temporal and eternal rewards individually, cor porately and nationally. For the first time in seventy years freedoms were being released into their nation. Such freedoms were the result of the substitutionary death o fJesus in their place on the cross. He was now their King and Friend, and they were now in a new king dom, the Kingdom of God. They had· no idea what God was like. They received Him like little children and I was overwhelmed with wonder and thanksgiving to God. They were no longer the property of the state. They were bought with the highest price of all: the life of One who was judged and died on the cross in their place and rose from the dead on the third day. He was brought back to life from the grave, resurrected by God's power and glory, never to die again. This truth moved into their hearts with little resistance. He removed all their shame and guilt for breaking the Ten Commandments and violating God's moral law. All of us are freely forgiven and absolved of all our viola tions, called sin, when Jesus willingly took our place through His death on the cross, the innocent man for the guilty, and freely gave us eternal life. We receive this life when we choose to confess faith in Jesus, to believe that He is the Son of God and believe that God raised Him from the dead as He said He would. We who were declaring this Good News were also sharing prophetic ministry with these candidates one at a time. Their poten 83
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