Beginning Tomorrow Today - By Timothy Sherman
tial destiny and calling was being revealed in part through these pro phetic teams. We were speaking over them some words and thoughts of God in glimpses and this was very encouraging and insightful for them. These words came as intended par tial directives and guid ance from the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We had several amaz ingly accurate teams working for a number of hours on behalf of all who were waiting. At times the results from these teams were even miraculous. There was an electrified atmosphere of high hopes, excitement, love, happy laughter, and grateful tears! Destiny and future hopes and dreams were being confirmed in their ears. The secrets of people's hearts were vocalized supernaturally through ministers who knew nothing about the se individuals. I saw e xpect ant joy filled the hearts crowd into the large, and luxurious hotel banquet room. Suddenly something beautiful and unexpected happened! Across the large hall two high arch doors slowly swung open and the crowd became distracted as a small group of men in suits walked through the doors. The students began to turn and look toward the doors. Some began to chatter excitedly with one another. Some be gan to stretch their necks and try to see who was moving toward the side of the room where we were standing in teams ministering. The crowd of college-aged students began to part and make room for this small group of men who were coming through. As the It was like the day of Pen tecost in the second chap ter of Acts with Peter the apostle quoting Joel the prophet. We were living it again, right here in Mos cow in 1991.
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