Beginning Tomorrow Today - By Timothy Sherman

in Moscow, I was taken aback by the condition of the facilities at the airport itself I assumed the facilities had fallen into partial ruin through age or neglect. They were run down, dilapidated, dirty and in desperate need of repair. The lighting in the airport was very dim even in the daylight. Armed soldiers with AK47s, machine guns, and automatic weapons of other kinds stood guard in various open posi tions. After finding my luggage I made my way through customs and found an exit. After much frustration I finally found someone who understood English. It felt like I was on an alien planet. The culture was totally foreign and confusing to me. I felt strangely insecure and threatened by this emotionally cold environment filled with anger and suspicion. With extreme difficulty I was able to connect with someone who understood enough English to help me get a ride in a beat-up, dirty, old dilapidated taxicab that was barely hanging together. The bumpers were literally held on by visible wire. We rattled down rut ted, pot-hole-filled streets and broadways with nearly invisible lines, in bumper-to-bumper traffic, at scary speeds and seemingly no traf fic laws. It was quite stimulating. I was praying and nervously laugh ing and at the same time thanking God for my guardian angels. Finally we arrived at the lzmailovo Towers Hotel Complex, the world's largest hotel. I arrived at the hotel and found the way to my room, which I shared with Rusty Russell, Rose Weiner's brother and a fellow minister. We both had a commission from God for har vesting souls and bringing Christ's freedom invasion to communist Russia. The hotel complex was also a major conference center and the location for the 1980 World Olympics. Th e Olympic stadium is close by and it housed the Olympic pool. In five different trips we would baptize about a thousand college students from all over the USSR in the Olympic pool where gold, silver and bronze medals had been won by some of the world's great athletes. After all these years, the time-God's set - tim e had finally come!


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