Beginning Tomorrow Today - By Timothy Sherman

bring students back to a convention center for these crusades. After prayer and the laying on of hands for blessing and power, these cho sen believers were to be sent by train to specific campuses across the Soviet Union to invite students to come to Moscow at our expense. This adventure included round-trip train tickets, hotel accommo dations, food for three days, free Bibles, and outstanding Christian materials by Bob and Rose Weiner. The students who chose to receive Jesus as Savior would be baptized in the Olympic pool and receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit. After three days of intense training in the fundamentals of the faith they would be sent back to their various college campuses with Bibles and materials. This was a huge undertaking! I was invited to meet Bob and his family and others in Moscow to minister in the crusades with them. The word the Lord had shown me in the fall and winter of 1974-197 5 was now going to be fulfilled, but in a bigger and more supernatural way than I could have imagined. I was now flying to Moscow with a plan to put teams together to minister to these col lege students and to send them out to plant churches. This would be accomplished through apostolic strategies, prophetic revelation, and all nine gifts of the Holy Spirit working through the team to confirm the Word. God would supernaturally confirm the gospel of the Kingdom through the preaching ofJesus Christ with prophetic healing miracles and signs and wonders. Thousands would be turn ing to the Lord through the plan God gave to Bob and others for the harvest that was taking place in the USSR. Others and I were as signed by Bob to train this army o fyouth to go back to the campuses and establish campus churches. This was the plan, and it happened just that way. The supernatural translation and the dreams and visions I had received seventeen years earlier were being confirmed and ful filled. It was all happening in a most incredible way, far more won derful than I can explain. I was ecstatic. As I landed at the airport 80

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