Beginning Tomorrow Today - By Timothy Sherman

unbelievably open in our conversations. Many men asked for prayer and it seemed that God was blinding the eyes of the guards and the God-haters to what was taking place. God was at work right in front of their eyes and they didn't even seem to see it or to care! It was His invasion of revival, and He was doing such amazing things. We saw salvations, the infilling of the Holy Spirit, deliverance from oppres sion, and physical healing of many kinds. This dawning of the Light in a dark place was completely out o f their control and beyond man's ability and natural reasoning. This was nothing short of miraculous compared to what was normal for a communist prison. The allotted yard time, a free time of limited walk ing and light exercise in limited areas, found men walking and standing close ly together because of the cold. It was here that the men shared about Jesus and about the newest salvations and healings and supernat ural happenings. God was speaking to them in dreams and visions. Increasingly they were seeing the myste rious workings of the Holy Spirit in their lives, day and night. They could not keep from talking about all that Jesus was doing. For quite some time different interpreters and I had been carefully venturing out into yard areas while staying close to the right building doors where we could disappear quickly if needed. We became bolder and more confident in speaking out on the right occasions. The eight and I shared increasingly with those who were open and genuinely interested. Many others who had never before spoken of such things were also boldly witnessing. It was amazing, 55 God was speaking to them in dreams and vi sions. Increasingly they were seeing the mysteri ous workings of the Holy Spirit in their live s, day and night.

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