Beginning Tomorrow Today - By Timothy Sherman

awful food. Yet still, we were thankful. Many times God seemed to stretch it and to make it taste good to those of us who were living a fasted lifestyle. Everything had to be brought to me secretly, since I could not go to mess hall with the others. That would draw too much at tention. I could not speak Russian, and the God-haters would expose me to get rewards. I could not take the chance of being discovered or exposed. At times it was as though God made me invisible. We constantly gave thanks for every morsel and worshipped Him for everything He supplied. This became a way of life very quickly, be cause the presence o f God was so heavy on all o fus in the core group that none of these hardships were unbearable. We were excited to be ministering to those He gave to us in the amazing grace of this revival atmosphere. There were a couple of large two-story cellblock buildings with individual barred prison cells for twenty-four-hour lockdown. Some ofthe high level criminals, the once influential and highly edu cated, the intelligent people of the sciences, the educators, musicians, poets, writers, inventors, and even the political dissidents were held in these confinements. Some were Christians or Jews who would not bow their knee or denounce their faith in God. In many cases Jewish people were hated, mistreated, and killed as much as or more than Christians. Anyone considered influential in society or even slightly outspoken about dissatisfactions with the state was arrested, stripped of privileges, and were just one violation away from being incarcer ated in those lock-down cellblocks. Some of those arrested and im prisoned were taken from the barracks to the high security cellblocks for periods of time, as punishments for violations in conversation. Our leader experienced this for many years. Many were ex ecuted or disappeared and were never heard from again. Such is the outcome of socialism and communism. This kind of government is not all for one and one for all. It is a totalitarian, anti-freedom, anti God government of control. They make themselves God in the guise 53

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