Awakened and Aligned
soul, your mind, your strength, your life…but soon you realize that you are soaring with Him, and you begin to see as His heart sees…and know as His heart knows. No greater joy. No greater sorrow. No greater height. No greater depth. No greater knowing. No greater peace. No greater love. No greater place than with Him…in Him. Let go of the familiar and allow your heart to trust and engage with His heart. These are the worshipers the Father seeks. Let the journey begin! When we step out by faith in obedience to the Lord’s instruction, we may not win the approval of men, but we will please and bring joy to the heart of our Father God. The applause that comes from our Daddy is all that matters. When our first priority is to please Him, then everything else will be as it should be. Our part is obedience to His voice, and His is the working out of the thing; in His timing and in His way. Our point of action might not make sense to the natural mind, but the wisdom of God is spiritually discerned, not carnally understood. We may be challenged and feel stretched, but we can trust His perfect intentions and purposes. He’s growing us up and getting us ready! When we move in response to His word to us, He empowers us with His grace by His Spirit. Such a place of rest, joy, and fruitfulness. “Perfect submission, all is at rest…” So, what direction has He given you that the fear of man, or any other fear, is holding you back from acting on? Unparalleled peace and unspeakable joy are waiting on the other side of obedience, as we enter into His rest. That Step With You
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