Awakened and Aligned
“Lord, we ask You to reveal Your perfect love to us, Yourself to us, that will rid us of all fear and allow us to take that step with You.”
Riding the Updraft
What a journey the climb has been in and of itself. You’ve reached the summit and can see for miles on every side. Surely, this must be the ultimate destination. You look out to the horizon and there is a longing in you to go beyond what can be seen from your vantage point. You know there is more… It is incredible to climb the heights with our Beloved! What a journey as He beckons us to come away with Him. A place of trust as we take His hand and ascend the mountain to be with Him in the secret place. We sing our songs of love and adoration to Him that reverberate in the cleft of the rocks.
BUT OH! To hear His voice. We become silent to hear His breath and listen as He whispers the longings of His heart to us.
Again, our Beloved beckons us…
He speaks of a new land on the horizon that He wants to share with us. But to get there, it will require a total trust and dependency on His voice like we have not yet given ourselves to. It will mean that we have to abandon ourselves, and surrender all we know, into His hands. He has brought us to
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