Awakened and Aligned
Sometimes, the obstacle might be the very things that we think enable us to come closer to God, but actually hinder us from hearing HIS voice and drawing near to Him. Some might say it is a certain place, a certain form, or a certain combination in a specific allotted amount of time that is needed to rightly worship. Jesus said that the Father is looking for those who would worship Him in spirit and in truth. God is Spirit…and He created us in His image. It is not a form or a ritual that He is looking for…it is your heart that He seeks. W e need to lay down the familiar ways of “doing worship” so we can worship Him in spirit and in truth. We need to let go of trying to get to Him by other methods, and just come to Him as we are. He isn’t looking for our polished performance. He isn’t concerned about lip service. The deep in Him is crying out to the deep in you. It is our heart engaged with His heart. Sometimes, the blockage is the voice that condemns us with thoughts that we are unworthy to approach our Father…to allow His love to envelope us, heal us, complete us. The precious Blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ, ripped open that veil that separated us from our Father God. No more veil to blind our minds and our hearts. Free to be in relationship with our Abba, Daddy God…if WE so choose. What familiar things are you holding onto today that may be keeping you from engaging with the heart of the One who created you and loves you beyond comprehension? There is a place of union with His heart that only comes when we willingly abandon ourselves completely to Him. It may feel like you are free-falling when you first give yourself totally to Him; as you worship Him with all your heart, your
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