Awakened and Aligned
Note in this passage that Jesus is not speaking to those who have not yet believed in Him (even though it is relevant for them as well), but He is addressing a segment of the church (Laodicea) that was going through the motions of works (tasks, employment, deeds, action) at the cost of their passionate love and commUNION with Him. a. The Aramaic can be translated “I have been standing at the door, knocking.” Jesus knocking on the door points us to the process of an ancient Jewish wedding invitation. In the days of Jesus, a bridegroom and his father would come to the door of the bride-to-be carrying the betrothal cup of wine and the bride-price. Standing outside, they would knock. If she fully opened the door, she was saying, “Yes, I will be your bride.” Jesus and His Father, in the same way, are knocking on the doors of our hearts, inviting us to be the bride of Christ. b. Revelation 3:20 This is likely taken from Song of Songs 5:1 – 2, where the king knocks on the door of the heart of the Shulamite, longing to come in and feast with her. [Commentary from The Passion Translation] Laodicea, mentioned above, means “people’s rights”. When we fully open the door to the Lord, we lay down our rights, self-righteousness, and justifications to become completely His. He is after our hearts, not our performance. The mindset of living from event to event is like living from paycheck to paycheck. The re is barely enough for the person’s needs, never enough to give away, and although someone just
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