Awakened and Aligned

got paid, they’re already looking for the next payday. It’s never enough.

We “be” to “do”, not “do” to “be”. The good works our Lord has called us to, which produce eternal fruit, comes from being in union with Him. (Ephesians 2:10) Being partakers of and identifying with His sufferings and His glory. The burdens of His heart and the fullness of His joy. “Lord, we ask for new mindsets…for the mind of Christ, that we would live every moment in the moment with You. Living in the fullness of You, and You in us. Living in the awareness of You, and continually dining with You. We fully open the door of our hearts to You, and drink of Your cup.” The beauty of it all is relationship…the journey with Him. It is the difference between knowing about Him and actually knowing Him. Many voices can speak truth, but absolutely nothing can compare to or transform us like hearing His Voice. Then when He does bring others across our path on this journey, more often than not, they will be voices that confirm what He has already spoken to our hearts. He is our Life Source. He is our very sustenance for growth…He is our Bread and Wine. He has the words of lif e that cause our roots to go deep so our branches can grow up high. Oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord. When we spend time at His “table” we eat with Him, and He with us, we partake of this holy comm- union . We enter into a union The Beauty of It All


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