Awakened and Aligned

He’s saying, Run to My Tabl e Come and drink of Me Come to My Table Come and be with Me – Come …

© 2012 Heartbeat of Heaven Worship

Open the Door. Drink of the Cup.

Worship isn’t an event. Prayer isn’t an event. Sitting at the table of the Lord isn’t an event.

It’s a lifestyle. It’s relationship. It’s our walk- about…as we come in, and as we go out. It’s not something we do…it’s who we are, in Him. It is our resting place and our journey.

The destination is not the goal, it’s the journey. And what a journey it is!

“The journey is the destination” [Oswald Chambers]

In our natural lives, it may be necessary to compartmentalize to maintain health in different areas…family, work, rest, play. But to compartmentalize the Lord and our relationship with Him is loss of life in all areas. For He is the Life. He is the meaning and purpose that brings meaning and purpose to and through every other part. In Revelation 3:20, Jesus says, “Behold (See!), I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.”


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