Awakened and Aligned

Even the things of God that are being worshipped instead of God Himself, will be shone in the Light of day. There is only One Foundation that can be laid and that will stand, and that is Jesus Christ, the Chief Corner Stone. Don’t be deceived and allow the “building materials” to be your foundation. We don’t worship the gifts or the works. We worship the One Who is the Giver of all good things. He alone is the Master Builder, building His dwelling place with precious living stones. A place of habitation! We are to be His holy habitation, which is totally set apart for Him, unto Him. It is a place that goes beyond Pentecost and enters into Tabernacles. We are to be His tabernacles where He comes to make His dwelling…ALL of Him, not just parts of Him. How much of Him will we allow to reside in us? How much of Him do we want? Outer court? Inner court? Holy of Holies? When we delight ourselves in Him, the overflow of His Kingdom through us is supernaturally natural! When we align our hearts with His, we have given ourselves fully to Him to have His way. Our lives are hid with Christ in God, and the outcome is a never-ending supply of Life. The Bread of Life, the Living Water, His well that never runs dry. He alone is the Source, and we partner with Him to be carriers of His Light, Life, and Glory. We enter into a place of rest and abiding which releases the fragrance of Heaven and is characterized by the fruit of the Kingdom; instead of the place of worldly success and striving that has the stench of man’s agendas and bears the marks of fruitless deeds that will be burned up.

“ Lord, help us in this. Help us be abandoned to You. Spirit of the Living God, open our hearts to see the


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