Awakened and Aligned
Son…the Lamb…our K ing…to hear Him, to know Him. The revelation of Jesus Christ, and the fullness of Him in us. ”
Mandate from Heaven
Our hearts groan and cry out with the love of the Father for His creation…
As the earth groans under the weight of man’s pride and choices, we as the sons and daughters of God take our place in intercession with Jesus Christ, to see that the whole of creation be liberated from the bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God! (Romans 8:19-21) For the protection and deliverance of our persecuted brothers and sisters, our precious family, throughout the world…as the angels of the Lord God Almighty are released on their behalf. That the eyes of their persecutors and captors would be opened to see You, Jesus. That they would experience You just as Paul did on the road to Damascus; their hearts turned to You as they come out of darkness and into Your glorious Light. For the people of Nepal. That these beautiful people would find their hope and their salvation in You. That Your Presence would surround them even now in their pain, and that they would experience the depth of Your love, and the reality of the Living God. That those You have sent to them carrying Your mandate from Heaven , would minister Your love and hope to them. Thank You, Father God, for Your supernatural strength and wisdom for those who have come to their aid.
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