Awakened and Aligned
Titles don’t define us, positions don’t define us, people don’t define us, wealth doesn’t define us, poverty doesn’t define us, status doesn’t define us, ministry doesn’t define us, education doesn’t define us, health doesn’t define us, disability doesn’t define us, gi ftings don’t define us, talents don’t define us, religious denominations don’t define us, our families don’t define us, our friends don’t define us, persecution doesn’t define us, circumstance doesn’t define us, fear doesn’t define us, accomplishments don’t define us, our past doesn’t define us…only He who is Perfect Love defines us! When we belong to Him, what else is there to attain? We enter the rest of just being in Him, and everything that is done out of our relationship with Him will produce eternal fruit to the glory of our Father, to His joy and to ours!
Systems of Babylon Crumble
In prayer this morning. The earthquake in Nepal and the temples of “gods and goddesses” being destroyed. That all men would lift their eyes, and turn their hearts, to the One True God.
Don’t be deceived, God will not be mocked. There shall be NO other gods before Him. The systems of man are crumbling, and every name that tries to exalt its name above the Name of Jesus will utterly fall. Man-made idols and ideologies are crumbling in the light of the reality of the One True God. His Glory alone will be seen, and His Truth alone will stand. Stones erected as monuments to man’s pride and superstitions are falling.
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