Awakened and Aligned
isn’t confine d to one location. His house is living, breathing, mobile, fluid, and it carries His glory…His very self…and lasts forever. Time to enter His rest and cease from our own striving. The moment we awaken to a living knowledge of Jesus Christ, is the moment that we begin to understand what the Lord’s will is. He will make His light shine on us. We will no longer be stumbling around in the dark, but His light will expose and make all things visible. The ways that seemed right to us before will be shown for the destructive paths they were, and He will lead us in His ways that are life, and everlasting. Because He is our standard, we will know what it is to operate in the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the L ORD . We will not be influenced by what we see or by what we hear, but our decisions will be guided by righteousness. The moment that we choose Love and realize that we are not our own, is the moment we begin to experience a freedom that is unparalleled to any we have ever known. The moment we relinquish ALL rights to own, to control, to attain, to manipulate, to gain, to succeed, to have, to prove, to be right, is the moment that pride, offenses, and hurts no longer hold us captive.
Our worth is not found in what we have or what we do…
Our worth is found in Jesus Christ alone.
Our value comes from our Father who created us in His image.
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