Awakened and Aligned
“Lord, by Your Spirit and grace, empower us to enter into You, enter into Your rest, to learn of You, listen to You, and allow You to be the leading force and strength of all that YOU have intended for us to ‘be’ about That there would be much fruit abounding in maturity for the healing of the nations, and for the glory of our God.”
The Moment
The moment we realize that the Government of God rests on the KING’S shoulder (not ours) and operates through relationship (not man-made traditions, rituals, and hierarchy), is the moment the Church begins to function in her eternal purpose as an heir of God and a co-heir with Christ, and not just exist to fill yet another building. The moment we acknowledge Jesus Christ as the only Head of His Church (His Body), and submit to one another out of reverence for Him, is the moment we begin to come into the unity of His Spirit and operate as one body with each part supplying what He has intended it to supply…maturing into the full stature of Christ and expanding His Kingdom in the earth. When we are in competition with one another, building our own names and kingdoms, we are a house divided against itself that cannot stand, and a body disconnected from the Head and one another that is, frankly…dead. (Dead works…no life and not a whole lot of expansion going on there!)
Human effort is so exhausting and will be reduced to rubble in the end. HIS expansion project consists of living stones that HE is building into a holy habitation for Himself. His house
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