Awakened and Aligned
Love flowing from the heart of our Father to the ones He so desperately loves! This is the place. And when we feel our “marker” moving away from His origi nal intent and lining up with anything (or anyone) other than Him, we lift our eyes back to Jesus Christ who is our Truth, our Peace, our Rock, our Source, our Help, our Love, our Way. He is the way “out” of our own doing. Out of weariness and striving. Out of fighting to stay in a system of man that will crumble. He is our Fulfillment and Purpose! He is our Identity! It’s not what we do for Him. It’s not what we do for other men. It’s not our own idea, or the world’s marker for success. In Him we live, and move, and have our being! Oh His beloved …. enter into His rest…. The door embedded in the upper part of the tree is a way of escape. Our loving Abba Father always provides a way of escape…His Name is Jesus. God in His infinite mercy has allowed the Door to remain in this structure to provide a way out…and a way into Him! In that same passage to the Laodicean Church in Revelation 3 verse 20, Jesus says, “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with Him and he with Me.” He is forever faithful to continue to stan d and knock, calling out to us.
Will we hear His Voice? Will we open the Door? Will we enter into complete fellowship and communion with Him?
The pastor’s son (next generation coming into maturity) and I that are in hot pursuit of the Door, represents the remnant that is in hot pursuit of Him…not just for themselves…. but to lead others out ! The two generations represent the one
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