Awakened and Aligned
according to man’s intention…not God’s intention. Has ministry become about programs, events, promoting, and building the “ministry” rather than building people? Has it become about making a name for ourselves, rather than making His Name great? Has worship become performance driven and man-centered, or is it pleasing to God and Christ centered? Is He the attention of our affection, or are our hearts far from Him? Are rules, regulations, and forms to hold people accountable replacing investment in relationships that reflect the true Government of God? Are we trying to find better ways of “doing” church, or have we abandoned our will to the Father to “be” His Church? Are we aligning our hearts and ministries with the heart of the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, or are our “markers” lined up with dead, fruitless deeds? Jesus has come that we might have life. That we might give life. That we are His light on a hill…a beacon shining the way to Him. Bringing hope to the slave and setting the captive free! This is who we are. We are seated with Him…so close to His heart that it begins to pound in our chests and resound through our lives. Christ Jesus in us, the Hope of glory! This is the fountain that true ministry flows from. There are no man-made shortcuts, or wisdoms of this world, that can ever manufacture the eternal products of a life that is intimately intertwined with His heart. Oneness with Him produces the Life in us and through us…bearing m uch fruit to the Father’s glory and to the joy of His heart!! What a delight to live in the freedom of the Father’s will, with the rays of His countenance shining on us! What a joy to be in unhindered communion with Him…union with Him! A union that produces life wherever we step, and to whomever we find ourselves in contact with. His Words, His Truth, His
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