Awakened and Aligned
generation, from each generation, that has been part of that remnant seed…forging the way, pursuing the Door, allow ing the Lord full access to them to be catalyst for change…all for the love of His heart. That His people would awaken to His Voice, to the reality of Jesus Christ, to His love and the purpose of His heart. When His people are awakened, in turn, they will lead others out of the darkness and into the glorious freedom of the Kingdom of God! The mature sons of God taking their rightful position. “Holy Father, Your Kingdom come , Your will be done!” Me coming off my position to look at the “marker” and seeing the spot where I had been standing represents our willingness to humble ourselves and come alongside those who do not see that there is misalignment. It is a place of humility and compassion of our Lord Jesus Christ, not to think more highly of ourselves th an we ought…lest we become a stumbling block instead of a messenger of hope. One day, we might be the one to whom a messenger of hope comes to redirect our gaze back to Him. We need to give His Truth out of His Spirit of love. The statement I said to the pastor, “Not that this means anything, but do you see what this lines up perfectly with?”… represents approaching those in this situation with humility and understanding. Not to enter into judgement, lest we fall into the same temptation and are judged ourselves. But that we stay clothed with the Lord Jesus Christ and respond with the sincerity of His love. Keeping His love on and inquiring of Him what to say, or what to pray. No matter what path that person chooses, we keep the love of our Lord on and operating. Their choice is between them and God, and to Him alone will they answer. Our part is to continue to pray the
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