Awakened and Aligned

scripture that came to me concerning this fork in the road was Jesus speaking to the Church of Laodicea in Revelation 3:14 22. He knows our hearts better than we know our hearts. He knows our deeds. If we have stepped into that middle ground between the two paths, we are neither hot, nor cold. We are full of mixture of the two and become lukewarm. We become dependent on the ways of man and conform to a lifeless image (the tree). Lukewarm water does not taste good in our Lord’s mouth. We have settled, we have compromised, we have fallen asleep to His voice. In this state, we don’t even realize that we have become wretched, poor, pitiful, blind, and naked…we don’t see it…we don’t perceive it. So, in His infinite love for us He counsels us to buy from Him gold refined in the fire to become rich again, white clothes to wear and cover our nakedness, and salve to put on our eyes so we can see! And what is the currency we use to “buy” from Him? The only currency that counts…our whole hearts, our lives, our entire beings. He will take care of it all as we abandon every part of who we are to Him. How He loves us and desires for us to walk in the fire of our First Love! That is being aligned with Him!! Now we are positioned to lead others out of the tyranny of conformity to the status quo, and into the freedom of the Kingdom of God and their eternal purpose in Christ Jesus! The pastor represents the leadership in the Church who are unaware of where they are placing their “markers”. It looks good on the outset, but does the plumb line for life and ministry continue to be Jesus Christ? Many truly desire to do the will of the Father, and to see His Kingdom come on earth; but they have fallen asleep through the cares of this world, the pride of life, and the busyness of striving to attain success


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