Awakened and Aligned
happening to him until it is too late. But that is how the enemy of our soul works and has lulled God’s people to sleep without them even realizing it. That’s why Paul exhorts in Ephesians 5 for the sleeper to wake up, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you … living as wise, and understanding what the Lord’s will is . I have heard the saying that it is easier to ask forgiveness than permission. Is it? Such speech is void of humility and honor, and unbecoming of His chosen ones. This is not the language of our King, and this is not His fragrance among those who are perishing. Loss of life is the result of such statements. Is it easier to ask the Father for forgiveness rather than asking His permission? Have we ceased to inquire of the Lord to find out what He wants? Have we shut our ears to His Spirit so we can have our own way? The Apostle Paul questions the Galatians, “Who has bewitched you…are you so f oolish, having begun in the Spirit, are you now made perfect by the flesh?” Are we waiting for Him to speak, or are we becoming restless? Have we entered His rest, or are we striving in our own works? His will , His way…not His will, our way. One produces life, the other produces death. This practice of one’s own self -will has caused the manhandling of the beloved. The beloved should not be manipulated in this manner…. She belongs to the Lord alone. The fork in the road is a picture of the decision that we must make as individuals, yes, and as leadership. We will be confronted with the choice to follow His way (few are those who choose it), or the way that is pleasing to man (broad is that path). We can choose to get caught up in Him and follow the Lamb wherever He goes…or… we can choose to get caught up in the mainstream and follow the crowd. The
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