Awakened and Aligned

manipulate and mold You into a form of his making for his own selfish agenda, for his own selfish ends, to manipulate and control each other in Your Name. To build all kinds of monuments to self in the guise of ministry and call it “good”. These are fruitless deeds of darkness. ‘But Lord, didn’t we do all “this” in Your Name, and He will say away from Me…I never knew you.’ Having a form of godliness, but not having You. God, please forgive us…” As I sat staring at my computer screen, I heard the Words of Jesus… ”Father, forgive them…they know not what they do” ………. Thank You, Jesus, for Your love! Your love, Your love, Your love. Your kindness that leads to repentance. Your truth wrapped in Your love that takes the blinder’s off of men’s eyes and sets their hearts free. All for Love’s sake…that they would see and walk in the Light as You are in the Light. Your Church awakened so the world can see Your face! The tree is this monument to man as described in my search above. It is a symbol of man’s pride and doing things his own way. It is a huge edifice that has been built unto man, for man. It ’s roots go down deep from centuries past and has grown into a mountain, and is still the standard for many worldwide…the exteriors may look different, but the root system is the same. What many times has started out with Jesus being the true foundation and the plumb line, has become influenced by the fear of man, pride, expectations, and the systems of this world…and it takes on another name other than Jesus Christ. It can happen so subtly. It is like the frog that is put into a pot of water on a stove while the burner is being slowly turned up and is unaware of what’ s Now that the stage has been set, onto the meaning of the drea m….


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