Awakened and Aligned

As I entered “Canterbury” into the search engine, I knew I was in for a world and religion history refresher course, but what I found went far beyond anything I would have imagined in light of this dream. I would have to literally write a book to describe my findings, so I encourage you to research it out for yourself and let Holy Spirit take you deep. Canterbury, England not only embodies the hierarchal government and institutional structures of man within the “church”, but is also a UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) World Heritage Site. In my search, in the very first sentence concerning Canterbury, here were contained the system of man’s order and control…one within the “church”, and one within the world. On the outside promoting peace, unity, and the welfare of man, but inside full of dead men’s bones and hidden agendas. Both, monuments built to man, to pride, to illusions, to ideologies, to deceptions, to philosophies, bringing death rather than life. I read page after page of the oppression by the “church” over the people, the wars between men and all their doctrines, the polity that has nothing to do with the justice exemplified in the life of Jesus Christ, the hierarchal government that is a mockery to the Government of God and His Kingdom. To see the struggle of those whose eyes had been opened to the Truth of God’s Word and the reality of Jesus Christ, to be free of the tyranny of the organization of man’s religion and live in the Light as He is in the Light. They were called heretics, martyred, imprisoned, or driven away. With tears streaming down my face, I whispered, “Jesus, where are You in all of this? None of this is about You . It has nothing to do with You. This was never what Your Church was meant to be. Father, forgive man for his arrogance to think that he could


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