Awakened and Aligned
The first point Holy Spirit was unveiling, was that to make it to our destination, we weren’t allowe d to go back the way we had come . The familiar will not take us to where we need to be. Our trust in the Lord must be absolute, beyond fear or comfort. On the first leg of our journey, we had to go up, or ascend , to the northern portion of Idaho before continuing down the opposite side of the state. We need to ascend into His Council, to His Throne, to hear the heart of our Father before we know how to proceed in the new direction. After we made our ascent, we began our descent, coming down through the eastern edge of Washington and then into Oregon. Nightfall was upon us, and we decided that we would make Pendleton our overnight stay. The sun is going down, my friend is in the driver’s seat, and I am entering our nighttime destination into my GPS. Even though we were on a main freeway, my GPS decided a short cut would be a good idea…ha! It's now dark and we find ourselves on a two-lane highway running parallel to the Columbia River. Neither one of us had been this way before! And then, our navigation system takes us on yet one more turn that we were not so sure about. Now we are on a country road, in the dark, with only the headlights of my car shining into the night for miles. A drop off on one side of the road, here and there. Maybe a work barn’s outside light being seen occasionally. Up and down the hills on this country road we drove, hoping to see the city light’s glow of Pendleton. Even though this turn of events could have been fearful, we began to laugh in the uncertainty. We are laughing so hard the tears are rolling down our cheeks, and the manifest
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