Awakened and Aligned
Presence of the Lord fills the car! He was unfolding a mystery around us. Michelle and I are literally on the edge of our seats with expectation, and I say, “Father is unfolding something to us!” “Father, what are you showing us? What do you want us to know?!” With our hearts full of anticipation, our eyes widened to see, and our ears opened to hear. We then look up as we come upon another road to see if we can read the name of it. The name was Westgate Road. Another wave of His Presence comes, and I said, “He is speaking to us about the gates.” We come up over the last hill and the city lights come into view. As we approached the city, the name of the road we had been travelling on changed to “ Northgate Drive”. In the morning, before we continued our trip, we had coffee on Southgate Drive (which was not planned, by the way). We had encountered all four gates at this midway destination. We passed by the Westgate , came into town on the Northgate , had coffee at the Southgate , and left the city through the Eastgate . The next day was beautiful, filled with sunshine and lovely cloud formations. His glorious Presence surrounded us as He continued to reveal His heart to us in this holy open Heaven adventure. Some of what He was showing us was that we had totally encompassed Idaho on our journey, and that we had touched most of the Northwest region to include Montana, Washington, and Oregon. With this, there was an awareness of the un locking of the Northwest “Gate” to explode with the purposes of God. For our region. For our nation. For our world.
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