Awaken The Dawn
First Things First
if everything was not done, at least the most important things were done. I used to go day after day, confused and ashamed that I could not mark down that prayer was being offered to God. That has changed. Join me in writ- ing “prayer” in front of all other priorities and appoint- ments, and let’s do it! Andrew Murray wrote a classic, The Prayer Life. He describes “the sin of prayerlessness,” and he advises: I humbly suggest that each of us is capable of deliverance by simply wrestling control of our time out of the tyran- ny of time pressure. This can be done by making the com- mitment to start each day consistently with prayer. Administrative jumble. Even if there is a confusing, unpre- dictable schedule to face, starting with prayer in an unin- terrupted time will settle your mind and enable God to release His blessing upon all that your day brings. Let me share another quote from Murray: The greatest stumbling-block in the way of victory over prayerlessness is the secret feeling that we shall never obtain the blessing of being delivered from it. 6
If I commit myself for the day to the Lord Jesus, then I may rest assured that it is His eternal almighty power which has taken me under its protection and which will accomplish everything for me. 7
The day is not really yours.You are merely a steward of that which belongs to Another; however, when you, the servant, are under His authority, you may command the day to your godly wishes. Sometimes in these early morn- ing hours, new ideas, concepts, or approaches are born in your mind. You will come to rely on these wonderful 15
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