Awaken The Dawn
insights as you perceive that the Master is indeed oversee- ing your day. Sometimes this supervision will be silent, and at other times your mind will receive such clear, clean inspiration that you cannot help but know that it is the Lord of your life who is helping you. Just the other day I brought to the Lord my desire to see more children involved in our pre-service prayer meeting before Sunday School. Suddenly, I saw a mental picture of the children surrounding various teachers in our Prayer Room. We now have successfully implemented this procedure that I simply overlooked before. I have discovered that people whom I have unsuccessful- ly tried to contact suddenly come across my path and in just a few moments I am able to do more in the unexpect- ed encounter than if I had been able to schedule an appointment. By administering your life through prayer, you allow the Holy Spirit special freedom to work the miraculous for you. It is an exciting way to live! Weakness of the flesh. Even if your flesh is weak and your dedication is irresolute (we’re all in the same boat on this one!), a set discipline of morning prayer will do much to help you conquer your weaknesses. Routine does not nec- essarily destroy spirituality and spontaneity, rather it serves as the vehicle for the works of the Holy Spirit. Jesus himself recognized that the flesh is weak. The next time you contemplate praying for an hour, it is well to remember His words in Gethsemane:
So, you men could not keep watch with Me for an hour? Keep watching and praying, that you may not enter into temptation; the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. 8
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