Awaken The Dawn
watch spirituality prevail and prayer become easier. (4) Hindrances are eliminated. It appears that most Christians and their church leaders have one frustration in common: inconsistency in prayer, and this embarrass- ing trait is fed by four basic root problems: • Time pressure
• Administrative jumble • Weakness of the flesh • Lack of fresh content
These four reasons are the most frequently given by min- isters, 5 but I hear homemakers saying the same thing: “Pray for me; I am so busy and so tired I can’t seem to pray much.” Eliminate the Four Hindrances! For me a consistent early morning prayer schedule pro- vides the answer to all four hindrances; allow me to explain. Time pressure. Even with a busy schedule, the most impor- tant thing is always done first–you pray. And, if there are other things demanding time, some other less important thing will have to be dropped—but not prayer! Like many busy people, I use the Day Timer for my daily scheduling. The publishers advocate that you write out the things which must be done during your day, then, number the events in the order of their importance. If a person works on the most important thing first, he/she will feel fulfilled at the end of the day, knowing that even
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