Awaken The Dawn


open after the offense as we were before the offense. I remember hearing the astounding true story of a Christian man whose wife was savagely attacked and sex- ually abused by an assailant. The woman died and her attacker was apprehended, jailed and sentenced to death. The aggrieved husband prayed for the murderer of his dear wife. He began to have a great desire to go to the prison and meet this man face to face. After repeated efforts he was finally allowed to visit the prison. As the two men faced each other in the cell block, the Christian said, “I forgive you for killing my wife, just as Christ has forgiven me of my sin.” As the truth of this honest con- fession gripped his heart, the condemned man dropped to his knees and accepted Christ as his Savior! Kneeling is the most appropriate posture for prayer. Allow some time for God to impress your mind. I know I have asked hastily to be forgiven because I have simply assumed that I have not had a bad thought against any- one, although there have been times when I know I need- ed to bring to God the names of those that I disliked, or have had grudges. Praying this prayer consistently has done wonders in helping me clear up the bad feelings. Also, when you are free of guilt, and praying in the spir- it of this request, God is allowed to work in the hearts of others. I have had three people come to me in the past three months seeking to make things right with me. One dear brother who had formerly attended our church had carried a heavy emotional attitude problem toward me for several years. He saw me in a public setting, came up to me and explained his problem. We resolved it, thank God, right on the spot. Praying this prayer continuously win help you forgive, and also help others feel free to 120

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