2024 Our Lady of Fatima Commemorative Book

Father Madanat places the Altar stone.

One step closer to bringing Our Lord to us in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

Pictured above is a donor plaque mounted inside the altar. This has the names of those families and friends of OLF who contributed $25,000 or more toward the Capital Campaign. In gratitude for their generosity, they will be remembered at all Masses offered on the altar forever. With construction renovation moving at a snail’s pace, we still made adjustments so that the Mass and the sacraments could continue. With the flooring placed and the walls renovated, the Sanctuary was another step closer to completion. At right, Father kneels before the altar.

Above: Father assesses the ongoing work as Nave renovations continue. Seemed as if our having to move the chairs in and out of the nave each week and then reset again for weekend Masses would not end!

Above left, the tabernacle & altar stone. Above right, the altar fully adorned and ready for the solemn Sacrifice.

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