2024 Our Lady of Fatima Commemorative Book

This was created as a special gift to Father Madanat, in celebration of his faithful service at Our Lady of Fatima Church.


COVID at Our Lady of Fatima in Portland, Oregon

Looking back to four years ago. GOD BLESS IT ALL. The Covid restrictions resulted in an appreciation of something that many of us took for granted - the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. God bless our aged priests, Fr. Post & Fr. Nicholas, in addition to Fr. Hufford & Fr. Portugal who would offer up to nine Masses per Sunday between OLF in Portland and the Fr. Heidt chapel in Silverton. While the environment in the hills of Silverton was chilled and relaxed, Portland was not the same scenario. Groups of 25 souls who were lucky enough to navigate the “SignUp” lottery, got to come to Mass. Wanting to keep at least one of those Masses a Sung Mass, which you do the math = 25 minus priest/schola/choir/servers, that only allowed a handful of “non working” faithful to attend. Yet those Masses, as do all Masses, drew down tremendous graces upon our Fatima flock. We had nosey neighbors grilling people in our parking lots on how many people were gathering inside and whether we wearing masks. One brazen neighbor even came inside during Mass and took pictures, which only would have proved that we were following guidelines on numbers and distancing, as noted by the tacky yet not so tacky blue tape to block off every other pew. Yet still we lived in doubt; would they be able to shut us down? Remember those days when we couldn’t even mingle outside in the fresh air for fear of the neighbors’ opinions? That was just about the push we needed to flee Multnomah Village. Then along came Fr. Madanat, “our baby priest”. Boy, was he wet behind the ears. His zeal coupled with his naivete about what it would take to pull off the move said, “Let’s go for it; we can’t stay here” and so we did. Up went the “For Sale” sign in Portland as the “Just Sold” sign went up in Vancouver. Time to start packing… Well GOD did BLESS IT ALL and God bless each of you, too many to name, who make Fatima what is is today. This album has become not only a farewell gift for Fr. Madanat, but a gift for ALL of you as well. With much love & blessed to serve as our chapel’s coordinator ~ Aggie

Just the sight of this Mass SignUp picture puts me into PTSD

On the night of April 16, 2021, Father asked for a Miraculous Medal to be placed on the property under the cross, for the intention of his flock acquiring this property, if this coincided with God’s will.

Pictured left is the medal as it was placed where Father requested.

Our Lady works quickly!!! Less than two months later on June 4, 2021 OLF - Portland, OR acquired a new church, yet another Protestant building, in Vancouver, WA.

One year later… Fr. Madanat looks on as the front cross is properly turned into a crucifix,

as the HNS men add Our Lord’s Corpus.

Our Lady of Fatima: Then and Now In 1981 a group of about a dozen tradition-minded Catholics reached out to the SSPX to bring the Traditional Latin Mass to Portland, OR. By the grace of God, the Society was able to add a circuit stop once a month beginning November 30 – and St. Andrew Mission Chapel was established.

In 1983 the group purchased the altar from St. James Church in McMinnville, OR. The altar was kept in storage until 1986, when, under the guidance of Fr. Daniel Couture, the property in Garden Home was purchased, and St. Andrew Mission officially became Our Lady of Fatima Church.

Renovation seems to be an ongoing theme at OLF as the Garden Home site, once a Korean church, was slowly transformed into a serviceable chapel. The Mass was offered once a month until 1988. At that time the SSPX was able to, thanks to our beloved Fr. Eugene Heidt, a retired diocesan priest from Silverton, who began to work with them, give OLF weekly Mass and the Sacraments on Sundays and on Holy Days.

As the years unfolded, OLF attracted more people – not just older Catholics who wanted the “Mass of All Time” – but young families and single people as well. Even with the additions to the property, it proved insufficient to support our thriving community, and under the supervision of Fr. Madanat, and always with the grace of God, we were able to make the move to our new home in Vancouver. The journey continues as we find ourselves once again in “renovation mode”.

On a side note, the former OLF Chapel and Heidt House were razed and are now part of an upscale neighborhood for woke residents in the Multnomah area of SW Portland.

The Portland Chapel and Why OLF Needed to Move

Exterior photos of the Portland Chapel. An old building, more than 50 years old. The location afforded no real parking to accommodate the growing community..

By acquiring the property adjacent to OLF (officially named “Heidt House”) we were able to update the house as a place for priests to stay when on site, as well as a catechism classroom, and place for choir practice. It also afforded more outdoor space for the OLF “littles” to expend the energy the more senior OLFsters wished they had. Many thanks to Mr. Davc Correll for not only donating the playground equipment, but for having it installed and securely enclosed.

The chapel itself proved inadequate as well, especially for high Masses and ceremonies, like Confirmation and weddings

Our Lady Our Patroness Our Queen

I spy with my little eye that the top picture stand has been nicely redone ~ Thank you Kateri ~ as well as the triple picture frame and matting of the Fatima children. ~ Thank you Anna ~ Take a closer look next time you’re at the chapel.

The Fatima message promotes devotion to

Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart. Fr. Madanat’s birthday is Aug 22 and his 1st chapel is OLF. Coincidence? - maybe! Many thanks to Tim & Barb for loaning the chapel their Immaculate Heart statue for the altar and for their gifting it to Fr. Madanat when he leaves.

(below before restoration it was concealed with a cloth)

(Re)Building Begins

Transformation in process. What a difference a year makes! THANK YOU MEN of the BUILDING COMMITTEE!

The architect rendering and design for the chapel.

Altar Renovations

With more space for the Sanctuary, we have been able to restore and install the high altar from St. James Church, purchased some 40 years ago (likely before you were born, Father!). God bless those Olfsters who painstakingly stored the two large pieces for a day when it might be used once again, but unfortunately weren’t around to tell us where they stored the arch and pillars. Alas, Joe & Joan Cleary insisted it was under the Portland chapel. Many eyes took up the challenge and looked not once but twice, with no success. A third time, young Stephen Pearson (pictured left) was banished to the depth of that dark chapel crawl space and instructed not to come back without six pillars… “I found it” was heard from the farthest corner, which wasn’t so far back in the day before the hall foundation expansion. And so the altar story continues…

Looks as if there are plenty of tasks open for even the youngest of us!

With the altar restored and the Sanctuary renovation almost near completion, it was time to assemble it in its niche.

Father Madanat places the Altar stone.

One step closer to bringing Our Lord to us in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

Pictured above is a donor plaque mounted inside the altar. This has the names of those families and friends of OLF who contributed $25,000 or more toward the Capital Campaign. In gratitude for their generosity, they will be remembered at all Masses offered on the altar forever. With construction renovation moving at a snail’s pace, we still made adjustments so that the Mass and the sacraments could continue. With the flooring placed and the walls renovated, the Sanctuary was another step closer to completion. At right, Father kneels before the altar.

Above: Father assesses the ongoing work as Nave renovations continue. Seemed as if our having to move the chairs in and out of the nave each week and then reset again for weekend Masses would not end!

Above left, the tabernacle & altar stone. Above right, the altar fully adorned and ready for the solemn Sacrifice.

The Altar’s finishing touches

Above: The makeshift altar in the hall. My, how we crammed all of us into the hall for Mass during those weeks, with Father negotiating around the pink chairs and the prie-dieux as he approached the altar to say Mass. Who could forget those foam kneelers?

The ever-dependable DeBartolo sisters making some adjustments advised by their CDO mother, no doubt.

No project of this scope is without its share of controversy, but who knew it would come down to replacing a cross with a spindle, and the IHS painted in gold? Memories are made from things like this.


Before: Awaiting Father’s vision

Stages of transformation

After: Renovated Nave. Father’s vision for a truly Catholic place for Mass is realized.

Communion Rail

Thank you to everyone who loaned us prie-dieux while we patiently awaited a communion rail. We will not miss those black foam kneelers for one minute.

Finishing Touches

Before and after restoration of pulpit, prie-dieux, and sanctuary statue stands Stained to match our

communion rail and pews. “In case you didn’t know, it’s all about matching and alliterations .”


When Fr. Madanat first arrived in Portland, he wanted to spend all his free time in “the box”. It was “a chore” to talk him into leaving it to mingle and meet and greet in the hall. Fr. M thinks so much of the dignity of this sacrament that he even had elegant curtains ordered to cover the ugly walls and doors of the confessional closet in Vancouver, in an attempt to make the space look more dignified. As a new priest he never complained about his “pandemic crisis confessional” pictured top left. (in attempt to not use the small confession with no air flow, we used one of the classrooms with a 6 ft table flipped up on end with a red cloth draped over as a screen and that kneeler with those blessed green foam pads.) Then we moved to Vancouver where he sat in an old radio “Bible Hour” recording studio with padded walls and an “On the Air” light that was illuminated when confessions were heard. This room doubled as his office for counseling - sorta that same thing. Thank you, Paul, for making a functional, portable confessional which served us well until we finally installed our dignified confessional. Many have expressed gratitude for the countless absolutions and direction given in this sacred space. Father, may your love and zeal for the penitent stay with you. God bless our confessor, Fr. Madanat.


We are still anxiously waiting for the launch of a HNS fundraiser of Portland plush orange pew fabric meets missal cover. No joke! Many thanks to the creative, industrious mind of

Adrian Pearson as he removed loads of pew fabric before we moved. Any volunteer craftsman or seamstress interested in this special sewing project ?

Nova Scotia ~ Who's up for a cross Canada/USA road trip? Look at all this “FREE” church stuff we got!

“One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.” This solid 400-lb marble font was the biggest part of the Nova Scotia, Canada treasure hunt. Pictured below: A 14-yr old Aggie, as godmother for her niece Michelle. + RIP+

Our old font, with the help of St. John the Baptist, was polished up and sent to

St. Stephen’s Mission in Grants Pass, OR.

I wonder if Fr. M will miss these windows? Just had to include a picture of our vibrant stain glass :-)

HISTORY OF OUR STATIONS Original stations: now in St. Stephen’s, Grants Pass, OR.

Salvaged Stations: from St. Anne’s in Lake Echo, Nova Scotia, Canada. Based on these pictures texted to Fr. M, he wanted them brought back to OLF. He had an idea… change the teal to blue to match the paint behind our altar.

Painted and patiently restored - by the Perry Family

Final touch: Crosses added complete the devotion

“It’s been a nice project! I feel like grace has entered my home and the children since we had the stations here.” ~ Tim Perry


Our Sacristy: A Place for Everything So Everything is in its Place ~for Mass, that is~


Thank you, Father, for stocking our sacristy with new vestments and for another appropriate sized vesting cabinet to store them! Many thanks to the Altar Society ladies and the bake sales they organized to raise money for this purpose!

Doors & Exit Signs Or comings and goings As Lewis Carroll might lament in “Through the Looking Glass” one must “shrink oneself” in order to enter something greater…or…find the perfect entrance and exit back into the secular world.

Some pictures are better left to wonder about the connections between them and “a diaper”

Hall Surely the days of our hall serving as a chapel are over. Join us every Sunday for Abbey Roast coffee & Brewed Awakening pastries. Stay for a potluck and enjoy our Our Lady of Fatima community.

Rev. Eugene Heidt Library of Religious and Spiritual Books

OLF Bookstore and Religious Goods and storage there’s never enough storage spaces.

Priest’s Office Remember when it was a padded “on the air” room for confessions?

Adult Catechism Classroom It took awhile for us to figure out the best use of this space. Thoughts were: an altar server vesting room/confessional/baptistry/cry room. Too often used as a storage room. Annually used for the Altar of Repose and is still frequently used by ushers to count money. Remember when classes started in what is now the library? We outgrew that space. Then we struggled to maximize seating capacity for the new space until Fr. Engineer walked in and said, “Aggie, just turn the orientation 90 degrees” - Duh why didn’t I think of that :-( What about that day when Mr. Austin asked for a crucifix? Look what he got! A crucifix, from Nova Scotia’s treasure hunt and Sacred & Immaculate Heart wall plaques donated by the Weinharts. Thank you as well, Mrs. Sue for the statues of Jesus & Mary.

Annex Annex? What’s an annex? Where is it? What do we do in the annex? This out building had to quickly become more than just a storage building as we almost immediately outgrew inside space. Like many areas it took a bit before we dialed in on the best use of this space. After a year and not enough use, we felt a greater need to provide a space where our tweens can have real face time and twitter amongst themselves. All along it has housed our talented schola/choir, who have been very gracious when bumped around throughout the building and even dealing with partial walls of bookshelves obstructing their acoustics. Thank you son, schola, and choir for your dedication to praying twice. At one point it housed “St. Clare’s Closet” with the intent to provide gently used modest clothing for women and girls.


Once again we gratefully acknowledge those people who funded as well as the HNS men who tirelessly worked in extensive heat to create a space for our “littles” to expend their endless energy!

The Bulletin Through the Years

Hard to believe there was a time when the monthly bulletin was 4 pages…One sheet of paper, front and back, or pre “drop shadowing” days.

By the grace of God and with your eye for aesthetic detail, Father, we no longer (well, infrequently anyway) have images of Our Lady “looking fat,” or blurry when printed.

Under your guidance, OLF has become such a busy, bustling Catholic community that our monthly bulletin requires 12 pages no matter how hard we try to condense things. (And we really do try - And our pulpit announcements are no shorter). … Go figure



Carson & Ashlee’s son Luke Dodge Oct 11, 2020

Steve & Justina’s daughter Jane Causseaux Sept 12, 2020 Fr. M’s 1st Baptism

Michael & Melissa’s son Damian Wisniewski Dec 26, 2020

Jacob & Katlyn’s son Rock Zach Dec 27, 2020

Aaron & Pauline’s son Cedric Meyerhofer Jan 23, 2021

Mario Urias Rodriguez’s son Nicholas Matteo Feb 6, 2021

40 Souls in 4 years who are now part of the Communion of Saints


Andrew & Cindy’s daughter Evelyn Dodge July 24, 2021 Andy was the first baby baptized at OLF Portland and now his daughter was the first baby to be baptized at OLF Vancouver

Job & Katrina’s son Thomas Wheeler June 5, 2021

John & Kelcey’s daughter Nella Cacka May 29, 2021

Phil & Anna’s daughter Emma Dunphy Aug 1, 2021

Zach & Kate’s daughter Marie Brehm Oct 24, 2021

Andrew & Emily’s son Liam DeBartolo Nov 21, 2021


Adam & Anne’s daughter Brigid Duyck Jan 30, 2022

Joseph & Catherine’s son Patrick Haslebacher Feb 13, 2022

Jacob & Britt’s son Leland Johnson March 13, 2022

Joe & Kateri’s daughter Edith Wisniewski April 10, 2022

Michael & Christina’s daughter Collette Lusardi (Mulick) July 2, 2022

Steve & Justina’s daughter Ruth Causseaux Oct 9, 2022


Phil & Anna’s daughter Elliana Dunphy March 5, 2023

Matt & Kristi’s daughters Lillian & Penelope Hamilton April 9, 2023

Andrew & Emily’s son Austin DeBartolo July 16, 2023

Aaron & Pauline’s son Logan Meyerhofer April 16, 2023

Michael & Melissa’s daughter Anya Wisniewski May 21, 2023


Thomas & Noelyne’s Daughter ~ Sienna Clark July 30, 2023

Adam & Anne’s son Gregory Duyck July 23, 2023

Joseph & Catherine’s daughter Madeleine Haslebacher Oct 22, 2023

Zach & Kate’s son Charles Brehm Nov 19, 2023

Joe & Kateri’s daughter Guinevere Wisniewski May 12, 2024

Kyle & Amanda’s daughter Louise Smith July 21, 2024

Adults received into the Church

Kristi Hamilton April 4, 2023

Kyle Smith May 12, 2022

Janine Dunphy’s Abjuration Nov 27, 2021 Pictured with Mr. Michael Austin

our dedicated adult catechist

Jen Ochs March 29, 2024

Zackery Wyre Aug 15, 2023

Cheryl Oliver July 1, 2023

Griffin Cain June 29, 2024

Baptism January 1, 2022 Rose Tyler What a way to start the New Year!

Fr. Madanat blessed Mango & wished him a long happy life.

Ah, your first home away from Veneta when we moved from Portland! Not Fr. Heidt House to be sure, but it served its purpose. Thanks to Rose for the generous loan of her camper!

All God’s creatures are a blessing!

Baptism & 1st Holy Communion Lynne DiGrandi ~ Jan 23, 2022

Our wonderful landscaper receiving the Sacraments which cleanse and sustain. How appropriate: She waters and nurtures our flowers and plants; Our Lord washes and nourishes her soul: “You are washed, you are sanctified, you are justified in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of our God.” (1 Cor 6-11)

First Holy Communions 2021

First Holy Communions 2022

First Communions 2023

First Communions 2024

Veneta & Post Falls


Jacob Brit Johnson May 7, 2022



Wolfe January 10, 2022





Matt Kristi Hamilton February 4, 2023

Ochs November 22, 2023

Joe Wisniewski & Kateri Meyerhofer’s Wedding June 19, 2021

Joe & Kateri received Fr. Madanat’s 1st blessing after his 1st Mass at Our Lady of Fatima in Vancouver, WA which marked the occasion of his 1st priestly anniversary on June 6, 2021.

Two weeks later they received his nuptial blessing at St. Thomas Becket in Veneta, OR.

Dylan and Kiara Temple Married at St. Thomas Becket Church, Veneta, OR November 12, 2022

Jonathan DeBartolo & Nicole Wheeler’s Wedding October 7, 2023

Gabriel Meyerhofer & Marissa Miles’ Nuptial Mass in May 18, 2024

Gregory Stolz & Valerie Marvin’s Marriage June 22, 2024

Joseph Bissing & Sonya Wisniewski’s Wedding Day June 29, 2024

+ RIP + Joe Cleary 9/6/28 - 1/23/22 Retired Chapel Coordinator, who oversaw the expansion of OLF in Portland

Kay Bird 12/02/95 - 3/10/22 Requiem Mass at Our Lady of Fatima, March 14, 2022

Mark and Kay Bird before her cancer diagnosis.

About two months before her death in March 2022. After her Faith & family, Kay loved flowers and gardening.

The crucifix she passed to you that has been used on Good Friday. Mark and his daughter Anne Duyck kiss the Cross at the Veneration of the Holy Cross.

+ RIP + Don Leader Requiem Mass at OLF August 16, 2022 OLF’s former schola/choir director

Don Leader led the schola at Mrs. Dorothy DeBartolo Requiem Mass at Edmonds, WA (above)

3 Days of Funerals

Fr. Madanat, your dedication for your dear ones was so evident during these first three days of your vacation when you rescheduled your flights to offer these three funeral Masses: Aug. 16, 17 & 18. God Bless Your Zeal.

+ RIP + Kevin Zak Aug 18, 2022 (Uncle of Eric Roesler)

Mass of the Angels Lilia McCoy Aug 17, 2022 Server ~ Her Godfather ~ Andrew DeBartolo

Lilia McCoy-McCallum Baptized -> Aug. 16, 2019 Confirmed -> Mar. 6, 2022

V. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord. R. And let the perpetual light shine upon them. And may the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. Geraldine Lewis DeLima June 7, 1933 - May 28, 2022 Requiem Mass at Our Lady of Fatima June 7, 2022 Geraldine attended OLF in Portland. She was buried in her native state, Hawaii.

Matthew Riverman Jan 28, 2023 ~ son of Bill & Lois Riverman ~

Louie Humble May 8, 2023 ~ Uncle of Eric Roesler & Luciann Meyerhofer ~

+ RIP + Sherry Horn Feb 9, 2023

On Dec 12, 2020, Sherry was most likely your first sick call visit (and hopefully your last one) where, because of Covid restrictions, you administered the Sacraments through a window after removing the wire screen. You anointed her and gave her an Apostolic blessing at Providence Hospital on Feb. 6, 2023. She died 3 days later. Her requiem Mass was offered at Corpus Christi Chapel in Edmonds, WA by Fr. Bergez in Feb. 17, 2023 and served by Casey Dudek.

RIP Marcella Warila + Feb 17, 2024 +

Marcella was one of our longest serving Catechism volunteers, teaching the First Communion Class

She and her husband, Bill, were part of the original OLF community when it was just St. Andrew Mission

St. Matthias Jude Cacka March 11, 2023 - March 27, 2024

Baptised April 10, 2023

Confirmed July 29, 2023

Mass of the Angels by Fr. Chavaria

“This is My Body; This is My Blood ”

Memories under Mary’s Mantle

Fr. Madanat’’s 1st Anniversary Mass in Vancouver

1st Year Priestly Blessings

Rorate Mass ~ December 19, 2020


The Posada Party

Our Lady of Guadalupe

Christ-Mass in Portland and our 1st year in Vancouver

Christmas in our newly renovated Church

New Year’s at the DeBartolo’s

The Te Deum is traditionally sung on December 31. It is enriched with a plenary indulgence under the usual conditions, as listed in the Raccolta (1950) n. 684 and in the Enchiridion (1999) n. 26, for those who attend the sung Te Deum on the last day of the year in order to give thanks to God for the blessings received from Him during the whole year. + Laus Deo ~ Beataeque Semper ~ Virgini Mariae +

Our Annual Epiphany

Talent Show

Lent & Stations

Lenten Soup Suppers

Ash Wednesday

Palm Sunday

Maundy Thursday Altar of Repose



Could you not watch one hour with Me?

Watch ye: and pray that ye enter not into temptation. Matthew 26:40-41



Good Friday

Holy Week 2021

Holy Week 2022 Quasimodo Sunday Mass ~ Sanctuary renovations started Easter Monday

Holy Week 2023

Holy Week 2024

Easter Celebrations

Easter Bonfire

May Crowning with Sisters

Mary, we crown thee with blossoms today!

Corpus Christi

Corpus Christi Procession

Saint Joseph the Workman - Builders’ Fair

Landscaping with Lynne Most Wednesdays 10-2pm

One of the first ideas in real estate marketing is “curb appeal.” So one supposes this concept can be adopted in attracting souls to Our Lord’s Church. Curb appeal. This is where God brought our dear Lynne DiGrande to OLF. Her trained eye and creative landscaping ideas have changed the exterior of the OLF property in such ways as to encourage those out and about along 28th Street to “take a look”. Curiosity then spurs the seeking soul. They see the sign. Who we are. What we offer. It is then just a small step to have them come inside where our other Lynne (Pearson), among others in the community, warmly welcomes them. Pretty soon, God has conquered another soul. He is good. Our “landscaping Lynne” works each week to beautify and edify the OLF property. She is a treasure, and her smile alone would invite others to OLF.

All Hallows Eve 2022

Musical Chairs

The children's goal of the “All Saints’ Revue” is to stump our priests, Fr. Kimball & Fr. Madanat, by dressing up as an obscure saint.

All Saints Day

All Souls Day


November 1, 2020 SSPX

50th Jubilee Silverton, OR Solemn High Mass Fr. Stanich Fr. Madanat Fr. Post

…and for cleaning out the barn for the Jubilee reception. + This property was

A HUGE Thank You to the Zach’s

for bringing the chapel back into function during Covid for one year…

owned by Fr. Heidt. +RIP+

Fundraiser: Rummage Sale

We were able to buy these gorgeous pillars for our angels in the sanctuary with some of the funds raised at this event. Thanks to Tim Perry for repainting

Fundraiser: COFFEE Sales

Whether it was your love for the monastery in Silver City or just your love of coffee, Father, it was an inspired way for OLF to not only raise money for the Chapel renovations, but it assured us that we all get our coffee fix after Sunday Mass and other activities.

Your eye for detail and penchant for drop shadows helped create this fundraising flyer which is still actively bringing in funds for the building updates. Thanks to the Rummage Sale, OLF was able to repurpose the buffet as a display case for the coffee varieties and other items Abbey Roast sells. God is good!


Fundraiser: Car Wash

Ascende ~ Blue & White Banquet

Our Lady of Fatima Gatherings

Lasting Friendships

Rosary Rally Salem, OREGON

Little did we know what a great and well-used purchase we made with those black foam kneeling pads. They were bought for this outdoor event and would continue to be used for two years until we got new pews.

Camp Chaplain at CAMP LANE July 2023

Newly Ordained Priest’s 1st Blessing & Mass July 30, 2022

Our Prior, Fr. Pezzutti, brought his cousin, Fr. Tuttle, to Fatima to offer a first Mass and to give his priestly blessing. Receiving this blessing is an indulgenced act when given during the 1st year of priesthood.

Visiting Priests

Fr. S. McDonald ~ June 2021 & Aug 2023

Fr. Loop Dec 2021, 2022, 2023

Fr. Thomas Sept 2021 & Jan 2022

Fr. Alphonsus Parish Mission Oct 29 - Nov 2, 2022

Fr. Young Sept 2022 & Nov 2023

Fr. Hewko ~ May 2024

Fr. Pedersen ~ Aug 2022

Fr. Beck ~ Aug 2022

Fr. Paul Kimball’s assignment to St. Thomas Becket Church has been a blessing to us. Our prior, Fr. Pezzutti, schedules him monthly at OLF

Fr. McManus ~ June 2024

Fr. Nelson ~ June 2024

to offer extra Masses, hear more confessions, and make sick calls. God is good +++ Celebrating Fr. DeLallo’s 41st Anniversary ~ June 2024 ~

Fr. Chavarria ~ April 2024

Frs. DeLallo, Madanat, Nelson

Bishop Fellay visits before Confirmations at STB & Lunch with Archbishop Sample

Bishop Fellay helps with Imposition of Ashes Fri. Feb. 17, 2021

Your brother, Rawad’s Visit New Year’s Eve 2020

Parent’s Visit Holy Week 2023

Cleary’s Calamities

This is a true calamity. Who would have imagined that a spur-of-the-moment “Run for the Roses” party with our OLF family and friends in 2016 would become an annual event? In the almost 10 years (minus the Covid-thing) we have hosted this party Tim and I have yet to take any photos to prove it. Fortunately for us, Lynne Pearson has! …and she caught Aggie wearing a hat! The Derby has become an anticipated gathering for our OLF friends and one that we are happy to host. The best were when Fr. Madanat found time to pop by.

*Jeannine with Anna Roesler at one of the Cleary’s “Let’s Enjoy the Fire Pit” evenings. *Always wanting to tie an OLF event with her birthday, here she is with Aggie at the Ladies’ Book Club meeting. Aggie is giving her a Canadian “butter on the nose” birthday toast.

Our Lord in His goodness never fails to bless us! Three priests were with us at Fr. DeLallo’s reception celebrating his 41st priestly ordination. Do you suppose photo posing is a minor orders class at the seminary?

Pearson’s Pig Roast

Our Lady of Fatima Homeschool Graduation Class of 2024 Theresa DeBartolo, Carina Rose, Carmela Sicurezza, and Olivia Tasso



Archconfraternity of Saint Stephen Server Ceremony December 26th

St. Stephen’s Camp

Summer 2022

Somebody forgot to tell Genevieve this is a boys only event.


Children’s Choir

OLF Choir Christmas Caroling

OLF Choir Caroling






HNS men serve as Father’s right hand group. They help with all chapel affairs and benefit from monthly priestly spiritual directive talks. We invite all men to join.


OLF Eucharistic Crusaders

The Eucharistic Crusaders is a confraternity for children ages 5-14. The members pray for, and make sacrifices for a monthly intention set by the SSPX Superior. Children grow in virtue and establish a strong prayer life that will help carry them into adulthood as spiritually strong Catholics.

Feb 12, 2023 Page & Crusader enrollments

Promises of the Ranks: Pages - Promise to say their morning offering and fill in their treasure sheet. Crusaders : 2 decades of the rosary, fight against dominant fault, confession at least once a month. Knights/Handmaids : Pray the rosary and make a Spiritual Communion every day, 15 minutes of meditation daily, confession every 2 weeks.

New Pages

The Crusaders make their promises and receive their pins

New Knight and Handmaid

Thank you, Fr. Madanat, for the spiritual talks and direction given to these young souls! Under your care they have learned to take the EC seriously and have a great love for it.

Crusaders walk near front of Corpus Christi Procession, June 2024



One of the monthly meeting activities. Here they are making sacrifice beads.

A spiritual talk given by Father before enrollments and promotions.

On Thursday, June 6, 2024 The Prayer Crusade for Priest Group offered its Holy Hour especially for Father Madanat on the occasion of his 4th Priestly Anniversary

PRAYER CRUSADE FOR PRIESTS In general, PCP members offer their hour of prayer at home on 1st Thursdays. Thanks to Joe & Joan Cleary who thirty years ago brought parishioners together to offer these prayers before the Blessed Sacrament. We are one of few chapels who continue the devotion in this way .

Tertiary Carmelites

Thank you, Fr. Madanat, for being so generous with your time and sharing your insight to help bring us closer to Our Lord Jesus Christ through St. Francis’ spirituality. Franciscan Tertiary

To Jesus Through Mary

Father Madanat giving his quarterly talk to the Tertiary groups.

Tertiary Ceremonies

Feast of the Sacred Heart 2024 Fr. McManus receives Sean Delaney into the SSPX 3rd Order

Sisters visit OLF 1st Sat. Dec. 2022. They take charge of all children groups while mothers enjoy an Advent Appreciation Tea . ~ Thank you, Sisters!

Sisters Teach 1st Saturday Groups


Thank you, Father, for your participation with the Blue Knights, helping guide our young boys to become virtuous men.



St. Theresa’s Little Garden

Ladies’ Appreciation Advent Tea hosted by the Vianney's while the SSPX Sisters led all the 1st Saturday Children Groups - Thank you, Sisters

OLF Ladies’ Book Club January 2023 meeting. Keri Canfield, Phyllis Brough & Jeannine Cleary came Japanese-theme dressed and ready to discuss the latest read, “A Song for Nagasaki” by Takashi Nagai.

The Children of Mary

Children of Mary Trip to Browerville April 2021 This is our fundraising trip. Thank you for your generosity!

Excelsior Toastmasters A Public Speaking Club for Teens

Began at Our Lady of Fatima in 2016. We learn to notice filler words in our speech such as ah/um, and then for the rest of our lives a ‘bell’igerent bell will ding in our heads when we hear them!!!

OLF Homeschool Field Trips

ASCENDE There is something for all age groups at Our Lady of Fatima! No one will fall through the cracks around here, and the Ascende group offers lots of social and community events for single OLFsters 18-30 years old. On the social front, Ascende organizes game, movie, and trivia nights, book discussions, dances, pottery, and bowling. Rain or shine we enjoy the PNW by hikes, beach trips, bonfires, and are mustering up the funds and courage to skydive. We join other chapels on pilgrimages and Pro-Life events. Incorporating the Works of Mercy, we volunteer at our chapel, and also in our community by visiting and entertaining at nursing homes. Most importantly, we stay connected to our Faith by meeting with Father on a regular basis, who guides and teaches us for our state in life.


Fr. Madanat, remember back in the day when you used to eat “whatever”? Remember that Heidt House freezer stocked with all sorts of stuff? Or when kefir was good to offset the food poisoning I once gave you. Sorry about that! Or when you could eat my blueberry french toast for Christmas or a homemade birthday cake. “If I have to stir it, it’s homemade”, so your cake was a masterpiece in my mind. Then came “Keto” and the need for the “real cooks” of Priest Pantry. So instead of cooking, I got to offer you my travel agent skills. In exchange for managing your travel, you managed to solve all my computer/storage issues. It was probably too many photos on my phone. Thank you, Fr. IT, for that and for understanding some of my pet peeves like these chairs below. I wish we had more time to force you outside to make you enjoy the natural beauty of the PNW. All the best in your new assignment, Abouna! Fondly ~ Aggie

Farewell Father Madanat The Alonzo family will miss you!

While we are so disappointed that you will not remain with us, we are excited for your next chapter. We know you will be as loved there as you were by all of us. Thank you so much for coming to our side when we needed you most. We appreciate so much your prayers, your guidance, your dedication to your flock in times of need. Please be assured of our daily prayers as you navigate a new assignment. Much love. God bless you always. The Alonzo Family Frank & Krissy Grace, Aidan, Aislinn, and Kellan

Thank you, Father Madanat, for everything you have done for us and this parish! You will be greatly missed. Please be assured of our prayers for you and your new assignment. Mrs. Margaret McAdams, Timothy McAdams, and his fiance, Joann Cunningham


Elizabeth Anne Burial

New Home Blessing



Marie Bernadette Baptism


Maxxis First Communion


May God bless you abundantly for all the good you’ve done for our family. Zach & Kate Maxxis, James, Genevieve, Marie, and Charles

Charles Martin’s Baptism

Dear Fr. Madanat, You will forever hold a special place in the hearts of our family. We will never forget you and will pray for you the rest of our lives. You made it possible for our little Matthias to go straight to heaven with the baptism he received from you in the hospital and later on with confirmation also received in the hospital. You baptized little Nella, and Lucia received her first holy Communion from you. May God bless and keep you! Love, the Cacka family John & Kelcey John, Mason, Sophia, Lilah, Cecilia, Lucia, Will, Nella, and St. Matthias

Jake, Britt, and Baby Leland

Thank you and God bless you, Father. Love and prayers always, The Causseaux’s Steve & Justina Clare, Anna, Jane, and Ruth

Baby Jane’s baptism

Baby Ruth’s baptism

We will always remember you and pray for you, Father.

The Tim Cleary Family Memories of Fr. Madanat Dear Fr. Madanat: In the four years you have spent at Our Lady of Fatima, you have touched our lives and hearts in ways it is difficult to articulate. It has been an honor to be able to have you with us in our home apart from your pastoral duties; and Tim and I will with fondness forever remember the times we provided your transportation to/from the airport or train station. Thank you for your attention to Jeannine’s spiritual needs. We have seen her growth in this area these past four years, and strongly believe that it is because of your presence in her life. For myself, I deeply appreciate your openness in sharing your sermons for the FOOF class, your assessments of my choices for bulletin cover pictures, your counsel and corrections, and I suspect as well that you have been doing penances for me. I thank you for that. I guess you have done all you can do for us , which has been so very much. The Lord says it is time for you to take on a new challenge – to care for the souls of those He has called to serve Him in religious life. If you serve them half as well as you have us, they will be blessed indeed. (Just watch out for the popcorn). Please know that you will always remain in our daily prayers and remembered in our Rosaries and the Masses we attend. ~Tim and Barbara Cleary

Kevin serving Mass for you. Such as grace. Jeannine captures a photo of you with Kevin in our home after Christmas Mass.

Jeannine with Peter Byrne before he moved home to Australia.

Tim’s father/Joan’s spouse, Joe, before his death. Tim with our dear friend, Kay Bird, before her death. You prepared them for death, and said the Requiem Mass for Joe in February, and Kay in March 2022.

You with Our Special Soul (and your friend), Jeannine.

Jeannine especially loved your 1st Friday Mass talks about the Sacred Heart and her Confirmation saint, Margaret Mary Alacoque.

Joan plays hostess to her OLF friends a few times a year with an afternoon luncheon. Pictured clockwise from the left, David Mullen, Larry Wilber, Elizabeth Mullen, Janine Dunphy, Carol Wilber, and Joan. They have never quite gotten around to solving the pressing issues of the day, rather, they enjoy the company.

When she isn’t busy photo-bombing, Jeannine likes to play photographer. Thank you for allowing her to snap your photo endless times. Someday I may get around to telling her about backlighting and perspective.

Thank you for taking the time to join us while Fr. DeLallo visited in June 2024. Such a blessing to have three of God’s special servants in our home. Fr. Nelson is pictured on the right with Fr. DeLallo in the middle, and Jeannine is photo-bombing.

Thank you Fr. Madanat for the prayers and the communion and the sermons are wonderful and hear my confessions and i am gonna miss you when you go to New York And i will say some prayers and God bless and have a great trip and God bless it's your friend Jeannine Cleary

Father Madanat, I am so grateful for your spiritual care for my husband, Joe, and for his funeral Mass and burial in January 2022. As you know, he was the first parishioner to die and be buried from our new Church. A special thanks to you for your wonderful Masses and inspiring and encouraging Sermons. We are so blessed to have had you as our Pastor and will pray for your same success in your new assignment. May God bless you and His Mother keep you, Joan Cleary

Dear Fr. Madanat, Thank you for all you have done for our family! You have been so welcoming, your spiritual Direction has truly changed our lives and helped us tremendously, and your care for my mother has been wonderful! May God bless you and keep you always! Erich & Valerie Weinhart

Fr. Madanat, What a joy filled afternoon….it was wonderful to spend the afternoon with you. Many Blessings, Leo & Jamie Vasquez

Dear Father Madanat, Thank you for your commitment, service, and ministry to our Lady of Fatima community. We, my family and I, honor your sacrifice of life and priesthood. You are always in our prayers, Yolanda Garcia and family

Matt & Ginny Lorenzo

Andrew & Emily Colette, Liam, Austin

Jonathan & Nicole



Love & Prayers The DeBartolo’s

Maria & Jake and GrandPa Joe

Theresa & Rebecca

Joe & Aggie

Rebecca’s Confirmation 2/21/21

You finally got to meet Jim (Mr Everything Consultant) & Kathy DePiante (Ag’s bestie)

Last but not least our Beloved Bailey

Farewell Father, You remain in our prayers. Andrew & Emily Colette, Liam, and Austin DeBartolo

Farewell, Fr. Madanat

It has been such a blessing getting to know you over the past four years! You played a crucial role in both of our lives as you over saw our blossoming relationship and prepared us for our life long commitment to each other and God in the Sacrament of Marriage. You will always be in our prayers and we hope that our little parish will continue to be in yours. With much gratitude, Jonathan & Nicole DeBartolo

Thank you, Fr. Madanat. I am very grateful for all you have done for our little community here in Portland/Vancouver, and especially what you have done for me. Your spiritual guidance has helped me grow and become closer to Our Lord. Your sermons have taught me a lot about our Faith, making the connections between what we were praying during Mass and the teachings of Holy Catholic Church easy to follow and understand. I wish you the best and God’s blessings for your new assignment. You will be missed. Marion Wheeler

Thank you Fr Madanat for the grounding you have given us in the Traditions of the Holy

Catholic Church. -The Delaney’s - Sean & Anne Marie Joseph, Faith, and Miriana

Thank you for being such a good, spiritual, erudite Priest and for helping guide us through our transition. May God bless you in your move to upstate NY! We will miss you here and continue to pray for you. In JMJ, David Correll

Dear Father, It’s been so wonderful to have you with us. I have loved sewing the decor for the altar and the other projects you asked of me. It’s was such a pleasure. Thank you for being such an inspiration to me. Yours truly, Carmela Parsons

Father Madanat How can we thank for all you have done for the parish of Fatima church. We will always have a special place in our heart for what you have done for this new location and all the improvements and the the growth of parishioners to what it is today. May God bless and protect wherever you go and we will continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayers .

Thank you and God Bless all you do Paul and Joanne Duyck and Emily

To Father, Thank you so much for enrolling us into the Knights of the Immaculata, for all the Sacraments you've given to us, and spiritual guidance- you will be greatly missed! Please be assured of my prayers. God bless, Emily Duyck

Greetings Father, Thank you for everything you've done to help save souls through the intercession of Our Lady. God bless you for your devotion to the rosary! I am most thankful that you allowed me and the church to become knights of the Immaculata, one of the greatest graces I've ever received. That was amazing! Be assured of my rosaries and prayers. God bless, Michael Hoffman

Dear Fr. Madanat, It has been an honor to serve as Adult Catechist during your tenure at Our Lady of Fatima. Over the last three years you have entrusted me with the grave and awesome responsibility to help you to prepare adults for reception into the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. In that time, more than one hundred adults have attended catechism classes from a variety of backgrounds: longtime Traditionals; those new to Tradition; converts from Protestantism; those from no religious background at all; curious inquirers; and even one convert from Mormonism! Your diligent attention to, and one-on-one meetings with each of these souls, combined with my classroom instruction and your presentations in the Hall, increased the ranks of the Faithful from two Baptisms, one Abjuration and three Confirmations in the first year to

dozens of Baptisms, First Communions and Confirmations! Thank you for the great privilege of being directly involved in assisting so many souls to enter the Church. May Our Lord continue to bless you, and Our Lady continue to protect you, all the days of your life! Pax et Bonum , Michael Austin

Farewell and thank you for everything! With love from the Dodge’s

On July 21, 2021 we brought the baptismal font over from Portland, so that Andrew’s daughter would be the first to be baptized at OLF Vancouver, since Andy was the first to be baptized at OLF Portland on November 23, 1986. Pictured below Andy’s grandmother holding him on his baptismal day

Andrew & Cindy Amelia and Evelynn Grandparents Don & Bette

Cindy added gold gilding paint to the IHS on the altar

Carson & Ashlee Aurora and Luke

Don & Bette the Patriarch & Matriarch of the “Dodge Dudes”

May God bless you wherever He takes you! Thank you for all the blessings you have brought to our family. Joe & Monique, Gabriel, Johnathan, Dominic, Connor, Colton, Jameson, and Jackson.

Johnny with grandparents Don & Bette Dodge

Casey Dudek

Fr. Madanat, Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory forever! Thank you so much for your labors on our behalf. The long hours you spend at the altar, the pulpit, the confessional, the classroom, and on the road are greatly appreciated by all the faithful. May God reward you in eternity for all your hard work! You impressed me immediately when I met you at seminary four years ago. So much has changed since then, but you helped me through my challenges, whether great or small. Your instruction has immensely edified my interior life, vocation, schooling, and relationships. I have also enjoyed the many, many conversations we’ve had about the Eastern Catholic Churches. I will continue to pray for you by name daily. May God grant you many blessed years in health and happiness! Casey Dudek

The Temples

Father Madanat, Dylan, and I are incredibly grateful to know you. We want to thank you first and foremost for the wisdom and guidance you have imparted; it has been invaluable. No one could ever accuse you of lacking in patience or diligence with as much as you do for the faithful. You helped guide Dylan to the faith and gave him his first Holy Communion. You prepared us for marriage and helped us thrive in it. You officiated our wedding. You even blessed our darling puppy, Effie. We will all miss you dearly, Father! May God bless and keep you always, and may your heart be full of peace and joy. Dylan & Kiara

We owe Fr. Madanat so much for the many sacraments our family has received through him. I believe our first personal meeting was when he arrived in the evening to give Last Rites to Kay Bird, mother of Anne Duyck and wife of Mark Bird. Later, he presided at her funeral Mass. He has baptised two of our children, Brigid and Gregory, administered first confession and Communion to John, and it has been the honor of four of our boys to serve Mass for him. Wherever life takes our Fr. Madanat, those he serves will be lucky to have him. We’ll keep him in our prayers! The Duyck Family Adam & Anne Isabelle, Evie, Edward. Henry, William, John, Brian, Jude, Brigid, and Greg

Thank you Father Madanat! We were so grateful to have known you at Our Lady of Fatima. Your help with getting Ian into La Salette and your support of our family during our difficult decision to leave the Northwest was so greatly appreciated and needed at that difficult time. We pray that we will cross paths again in the future and that you will be blessed, guided and protected by Our Lord and Our Blessed Mother always. Very Fondly, Matt & Nell Fahey Ella, Ian, Ali, and Joey

Ali reading to “the littles” at OLF May 2022

Opening ceremonies at La Salette, Ian’s Junior year, Sept. 2023

First Rorate Mass at OLF in 2020

Kris & Theresa Thomas, Peter, Catherine, William, Andrew, Ella, Henry, James, and George

Always in our prayers, The Greningers

Aggie visits convent Nov 2023 and sees Catherine and Mother of Novices, Sr. Mary Gerard.

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