2024 Our Lady of Fatima Commemorative Book
Altar Renovations
With more space for the Sanctuary, we have been able to restore and install the high altar from St. James Church, purchased some 40 years ago (likely before you were born, Father!). God bless those Olfsters who painstakingly stored the two large pieces for a day when it might be used once again, but unfortunately weren’t around to tell us where they stored the arch and pillars. Alas, Joe & Joan Cleary insisted it was under the Portland chapel. Many eyes took up the challenge and looked not once but twice, with no success. A third time, young Stephen Pearson (pictured left) was banished to the depth of that dark chapel crawl space and instructed not to come back without six pillars… “I found it” was heard from the farthest corner, which wasn’t so far back in the day before the hall foundation expansion. And so the altar story continues…
Looks as if there are plenty of tasks open for even the youngest of us!
With the altar restored and the Sanctuary renovation almost near completion, it was time to assemble it in its niche.
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