Watchout For WOLVES: Keys To Discerning Authentic Ministries & Evaluating Doctrinal Trends

team is not present. If you have instructed them, they will have what they need to make their own judgments.

3. Prophesy yourself.

People need models as they grow and develop in the things of the Lord. Teaching is important, but it must be accompanied by modeling. Pastors should stir up their own gift in this area and encourage all of their leadership team to do the same. This will give the people a positive example to follow.

4. Don’t allow strangers to prophesy (as a general rule).

There are many roving would-be prophets who are not committed to any one body of believers and who are not accountable to anyone for the words that they give. It should be clear in your assembly that there is no place for this kind of prophetic ministry. If someone that you do not know anything about comes to your assembly with a word, have them write it out and give it to you so you can pray over it with the other leaders, but do not have them speak it publicly. If your people are well trained, they will not listen to them anyway (John 10:4-5). There may be exceptions to this, but they should be rare. It is so much easier on everyone if prophecy is judged before it is given. Perhaps a microphone could be set up for this purpose and a member of the leadership team could assist people at the site. In this way the content of the prophecy could be shared with a church leader, and the leader could decide whether or not it should be given. A microphone can be very helpful so that people can hear more accurately what is being said and for the purpose of getting the prophecy on tape. 5. Provide a way for prophecy to be judged before it is given.


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