Watchout For WOLVES: Keys To Discerning Authentic Ministries & Evaluating Doctrinal Trends
The fact is that the blessing of the prophetic ministry so far outweighs any negative aspects of prophecy that eliminating this great gift from the church cannot even be considered. Churches that have no prophetic vision are missing a wonderful element of the whole Christian experience. Rather than seeking to eliminate the prophetic because of a few potential problems, we must seek how to harness this ministry for the ultimate purpose of strengthening the church of Jesus Christ.
Pastoring the Prophetic Ministry
If the experience of the church in the area of prophecy is to be a positive one, the Lead Pastor and the leadership team of the church must take an active role in leading and guiding the prophetic. Here are some guidelines that the leadership can follow into this important area.
1. Teach people about prophecy.
Don’t just wait for wrong behavior in this area to manifest itself and then try to correct it. This kind of training can promote a negative image for prophetic ministry. Teach the positive side of the ministry. Teach the people before there are problems so that they have truth to draw upon as they seek to operate in this ministry. Provide a positive environment for the emerging prophets to be discipled. Samuel did this in his “schools of the prophets” and he raised up a whole new order of ministry in Old Testament times.
2. Teach people how to judge prophecy.
Put the tools in their hands that they need to have to evaluate their own prophecies and the prophecies of others. They will need this because at times they will be at other meetings or in other settings where prophecy is being given. They may have others who want to prophesy over them when you or someone from your leadership
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