Watchout For WOLVES: Keys To Discerning Authentic Ministries & Evaluating Doctrinal Trends
Forward We are living in very interesting times. They are interesting because current events seem to be moving us very quickly into times and seasons in God’s econo my that are consistent with end- time events. I know what you are saying, “We have heard this before.” Yes, that is true. You will notice that I did not say that we are in the end times. However, I will say that many of the things indicated by the prophets of the Old and New Testament and warnings given to us by Jesus Himself, seem to be particularly applicable to and relevant in our world today. The Church of Jesus Christ has always had its challenges. Jesus warned us that in the world we would have tribulation, we would most likely be persecuted and we would suffer for being identified with Him. Even though this is a fact, it has never been something that has stopped the Church or neutralized the Church from growing and from fulfilling its God-appointed mission. The Church is built to withstand the forces of darkness that seek to undermine its effectiveness. The Church has proven that it can adapt to differing forms of government, oppressive regimes, and all-out assaults to destroy it. It has weathered them well by being flexible in its forms and responsive to the voice of the Holy Spirit. The biggest danger for the Church has never been attacks from governments, other religious groups or atheistic zealots. The greatest danger has always been from forces working from within the Church. If Satan cannot weaken the Church from outside of the walls of the Church, he will infiltrate the Church and turn his attention to causing division, promoting heresy and destroying it from within.
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