Watchout For WOLVES: Keys To Discerning Authentic Ministries & Evaluating Doctrinal Trends

Slanderers, malicious gossips, scandal-mongers, liars Lacking restraint or self control, intemperate, given to excess, given to anger Savage, brutal, uncivilized, barbaric, cruel, sadistic, ruthless Hateful, hostile to what is good, intolerant of those who practice good, enemies of decency Betrayers, treacherous, faithless, devious, two faced Headstrong, reckless, defiant, adventurers, impulsive, rash, headlong with passion, hot-headed, bent on having one’s own way, presumptuous Puffed up, lifted up in mind, swollen with self importance Feeling driven, love sensual and vain amusements, lives for the moment Want to be perceived to be good, maintaining a religious facade, hypocritical, counterfeit, make-believe piety Stranger’s to God’s power, having no personal experience with God, resisting its influence in their lives

Truthful, discreet, accurate, reliable, authentic, faithful

False Accusers

Temperate, controlled, moderate, balanced, coolheaded, easygoing Merciful, gentle, calm, peaceful, civilized, tender, compassionate Promoters of good, lovers of good and those who practice that which is good. Loyal, dependable, trustworthy, reliable, safe



Despisers of the Good


Manageable, cautious, cooperative, team player, principled, controlled


Humble, treating others with respect, valuing the contribution of others Principle driven, driven by a passion to achieve destiny, able to see big picture


Lovers of Pleasure

True, proven, demonstrated, tested, tried, confirmed, real, substantial

Having a form of godliness

Their relationship to God is a living, vibrant part of all that they do. They live putting God in His rightful place.

Denying the Power of God


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