Watchout For WOLVES: Keys To Discerning Authentic Ministries & Evaluating Doctrinal Trends

Appendix 1, Lesson 2, The Context of the Last Days

We need to know our enemy. To be forewarned is to be forearmed. We are not to be those in darkness that the day should overtake up. The context in which the glorious church is to shine is described in 2 Timothy 3:1-5 .

Biblical Description



Fond of themselves, selfish, utterly self-centered Lovers of money, greedy, envious, motivated by money, grasping Full of big words, blow one’s own horn, talk big, show off Arrogant, conceited, insolent swagger, self important, inflated, condescending, cocky, intolerant Irreverent, profane, sacrilegious, cursing/swearing Rebellious to authority, disrespectful, obstinate, unmanageable, stubborn, defiant Thankless, inappreciative, critical Worldly, wicked, corrupt, immoral, unsanctified, indecent, shameless Unloving, hardhearted, callous, without familial love, insensitive Irreconcilable, uncommitted, unforgiving

Selfless, considerate, others orientated Generous, liberal, self sacrificing

Lovers of Self


Modest, accurate, grasping reality


Humble, lowly, submissive, unassuming, meek not weak


Reverent, benevolent, pious


Obedient, compliant, well behaved, manageable, submissive,

Disobedient to Parents

Appreciative, grateful, praising Spiritual, godly, moral, honest, virtuous, devout, righteous Caring, sympathetic, kind, warm-hearted



Without Natural Affection

Conciliatory, loyal, committed, forgiving


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