Watchout For WOLVES: Keys To Discerning Authentic Ministries & Evaluating Doctrinal Trends
and child rearing. Along with this many local churches put a stronger emphasis on Youth and Children’s Ministry.
3. Spiritual Authority and Government
The emphasis here was that the local church is a place of spiritual authority and that we cannot be fully covered spiritually unless we are properly connected and in right relationship to the authority that God has placed in our lives.
4. Christian Character
The emphasis here was on the fact that we need more than the gifts of the Spirit if we are to fulfill the mission of Christ. We need the character of Christ. Christ-likeness is still the goal of the individual believer.
5. Small Group Ministry
The emphasis here was on the two-fold approach to building the saints in the New Testament Church. There was the corporate gathering for the purpose of celebration and mission fulfillment and there was the smaller gathering for the purpose of evangelism and body ministry.
6. Apostles and Prophets
The emphasis here was on a releasing of these ministries in a way that truly builds the church. The functioning of these ministries in a biblical way is essential for the church to come to full completion. (I encourage you to get my book, Apostles, The Fathering Servant ).
7 . Men’s Movement
The emphasis here was on restoring men to their first responsibility of being the priest in their homes. Groups like the Promise Keepers were used to help men not to see themselves primarily as providers but also as protectors,
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