Watchout For WOLVES: Keys To Discerning Authentic Ministries & Evaluating Doctrinal Trends
The Faith and Prosperity Movement
Like so many of the movements before, certain proponents of this movement tended to go to an extreme which led many to conclude that they were making merchandise of the Gospel. Phrases lik e “name it and claim it” or “if you can dream it you can receive it” became misguided mottos associated with these truths. The truth is that God does want us to be people of faith (What is the alternative? — people of unbelief!). He wants us to step out at the word of the Lord and walk on water when Jesus beckons us. He does want to prosper his people. However, divine prosperity is not just about money. It is not about making us wealthy so that we can fulfill selfish desires. It is about fulfilling destiny and walking under the canopy of God’s blessing. It is about having strong families, good friendships, whole bodies, sound minds and freedom from bondage. It is about accomplishing the mission.
10 Positive Contributions of these Movements
While other movements could easily be added to the above list depending on one’s personal perspective on the last few years, these particular movements carried with them some vital aspects of truth.
1. Covenant Relationship
The emphasis here was on the fact that in the Body of Christ we are our brother’s keeper and that we should endeavor to establish relationships that focus on accountability one to another.
2. Family Life
The emphasis here was on principles of raising godly families to establish foundations for many generations. Many ministries arose with a focus on family, marriage
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