Watchout For WOLVES: Keys To Discerning Authentic Ministries & Evaluating Doctrinal Trends
dangerous. The extreme Calvinist view that promotes the idea “once you are saved you are always saved” can lead to the abuse of grace. However, the extreme Armenian view that promotes the idea that you have to get saved again every time you fall into sin is also dangerous and breeds a terrible fear and sense of insecurity before a loving heavenly Father. Each of these views use certain key verses to support their views. However, the truth is most likely some place in the middle. We are eternally secure upon obedience.
This is just one example, but there are many others:
• The concept of faith must be balanced by the concept of works (Jam. 2:18).
• The concept of the goodness of God must be balanced by the concept of the wrath of God (Rom. 11:22).
• The concept of mercy of God must be balanced by the concept of holiness and justice of God (Ps. 85:10).
• The concept of prosperity and blessing must be balanced by the concept of persecution and sacrifice (2 Tim. 3:12). This does not mean that God will not lead pastors to emphasize a certain aspect of truth during a season in the life of a local church to bring biblical understanding, but it does mean that after the truth has been emphasized it will once again be integrated back into the body of truth in a balanced way.
5. Watch out for anything that promises “instan t maturity. ”
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