Watchout For WOLVES: Keys To Discerning Authentic Ministries & Evaluating Doctrinal Trends
Some of the trends that we will reference deal with church methodology . These methodological trends might include such things as:
Church Growth Movement
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Church Marketing Seeker-Sensitive
User Friendly
Felt Needs
Simple Church
Challenges of Examining Current Trends
Examining and evaluating current trends can be a challenge because of the tension produced by the pressures of the church staying relevant. This expresses itself in several ways. 1. Leaders must balance the tension between biblical conviction or principle and method, style, application or experience. 2. Leaders must balance the pressure to be culturally relevant, yet at the same time maintain a pure Gospel and promote a genuinely biblical experience. 3. Leaders must balance the desire to be open and sensitive to what the Spirit might be saying without being careless and gullible to the point of believing everything and being blown about by every wind of doctrine. 4. Leaders must balance the ability to be flexible, adjustable and innovative without compromising the timeless, universal and eternal. 5. Leaders must balance the challenge of being discerning, cautious and wise without overreacting and becoming critical, closed and judgmental.
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