The Strand Study Bible




which are based on mass and energy alone (no sender), are false! NOTE - Because of these laws about information , the following seven conclusions are probable: 1. Information must have a Sender (Gen 1:1-3 and Psa 14:1) – Since the DNA code of all life forms is clearly within the definition domain of information , we conclude there must be a Sender. 2. The Sender must be omniscient (all-knowing - Psa 147:4, Jn 16:30, Acts 15:18, Psa 139:1-6,17-18,23 , Jn 2:24-25 , Isa 11:2 and I Cor 2:10-12 ) – Since the density and complexity of the DNA encoded information is billions of times greater than man’s present technology, we conclude the Sender must be supremely intelligent. 3. The Sender must be omnipotent (all-powerful - Gen 1:1, Psa 139:13-16 , Mt 28:18 , Lk 1:35 and Jn 3:5-6 ) – Since the Sender must have encoded (stored) the information into the DNA molecules, constructed the molecular biomachines required for the encoding, and designed all the features for the original life forms, the Sender must be purposeful and supremely powerful. 4. The Sender must be eternal (Psa 90:2, Jms 1:17, Rev 1:8, Psa 139:24 , Heb 13:8 and Heb 9:14 ) and omnipresence (ever-present) ( Psa 139:7-12, Mt 28:20 , Psa 139:7 and Jn 14:16-17 ) – Since the Sender must be purposeful and supremely powerful, we conclude that He must also be an eternal ever-present Being. 5. The Sender must have, at least, a non-material component, that is, He must be Spirit (Jn 4:24) – Since information is a non-material fundamental entity and cannot originate from material quantities, we conclude that the Sender must have a non-material component, that is, He must be an eternal ever-present Spirit Being (Heb 9:14). 6. The Sender must be able to communicate the information to a receiver – Since information is a non-material fundamental entity and cannot originate from material quantities, and since information also originates from man, we conclude man’s nature must have a non-material component as well (that is, he must have a spirit), so that he can communicate with the Sender. 7. The Sender must be able to send his information before all other claims in order to refute those claims – Psalm 53:1 says, “ The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God …” Interestingly enough, the Sender of Psalm 53 (c. 1020 BC) made sure His information was transferred to man five hundred years before the father of evolution (Anaximander of Miletus - c. 550 BC) began teaching his theory that life was first generated by material process from sea slime (pre-biotic soup). In conclusion - Because information is a non-material fundamental entity, originating only from an intelligent Sender, and all theories of chemical and biological evolution require that information must originate solely from mass and energy alone (no Sender), we conclude all theories or concepts of chemical and biological evolution are false! According to Gitt, the Laws of Nature about information lead us to two final suppositions: 1. They refute the assumption of scientific materialism and the theories of chemical and biological evolution In the Big Bang Theory only energy and matter exists, contradicting the Laws of Nature about information . 2. They establish the existence of an eternal omniscient, omnipotent Being Dr. Stephen Meyer notes: If we observe design, it is not wrong to infer a Designer. If we observe life, it is not wrong to infer a Life-giver. If we see DNA, it is not wrong to infer the precision of a Genius. 31 Seriously, how people can look at a DNA word that is more than three billion letters long and conclude that no intelligence was involved is a mystery in itself. Therefore, evolution is an impossible process according to the highest level of science, and according to Werner Gitt, anyone who disagrees with these laws and conclusions must falsify them, by demonstrating the initial origin of information from purely material sources. 1:12 The third day in the Mosaic account of creation is all about botany ( grass and herb ). Whereas the first day of creation is all about the pre-existing light (depicting the pre-existing SAVIOR ) and the second day is all about water (depicting the SAVIOR’S salvation), the third day is all about plant life ( grass and herb - depicting the SAVIOR’S resurrection). You can’t have salvation ( water ) without a SAVIOR ( Light ), i.e., light that’s alive ( botany ). NOTE - On the preceding two days of creation nothing is ever mentioned or dealt with except inorganic matter. In that realm there is no growth, reproduction, changes or mutation, but things remain as they originate, subject only to the laws of degeneration. For example, granite decomposes, suffers erosion, and becomes, in turn, gravel, sand, and soil, but there are no infant “granites” being brought into being by the rocks of this system. The plants on day three are the first things to appear with the power to “resurrect” (reproduce). These statements of Moses in the opening paragraph are in perfect harmony with the most exact conclusions of science. Plants came before animals. How else would animals survive if the plants they eat did not precede them? No established fact of any science is contrary to this conclusion, which was reached by divine revelation long before botany (the study of plants), as a science, was dreamed of. According to the laws of nature, there are two things that plant life has to have in order to survive: light , and water . Interestingly enough, before God created plant life (depicting Christ’s resurrection) He made sure that light (day one) and water (day two) were available. Knowing salvation (atonement) is impossible without the shedding of blood (dying - Lev 17:11 and Heb 9:28),the Savior had to die and “rise again” in order to redeem us from sin and its penalty ( Job 19:25 ). According to Isaiah 40:6-8, people are like plants. In the face of eternity, man’s brief day is as the life span of a flower that blooms one day and is gone the next. Like the flower, man too will fade away and die. However, like plant life, man will also live again. He will rise to another life. Daniel said in Daniel 12:2: And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt. Because of sin, man must die. However, like the flower, man will rise again (that is, he will awaken) and as Daniel put it, “man will awaken… some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt .” Resurrection is inevitable. The third day is all about

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