The Strand Study Bible
All philosophies or theories based on the assumption of scientific materialism including chemical and biological evolution are falsified by the Laws of Nature about information. 29
According to Dr. Gitt, who holds both an engineering and doctorate degree from two different Technical Universities in Germany, the Laws of Nature, i.e., Law of gravity or Conservation of energy law, enable us to determine beforehand whether a proposed process is or is not possible. The Laws of Nature are precise statements based on discoveries through observation and experiment that have been repeatedly verified and never contradicted. These Laws are: (1) universally valid ; (2) do not vary in time ; (3) simple ; and (4) there are no exceptions . According to the scientific laws of information , there are two kinds of Laws of Nature 1) Material entities; matter ( items , such as your brain, energy, power, electricity, etc.) 2) Non-material entities; non-matter ( information , such as consciousness/mind and will) For example: Your brain is matter/mass, but your mind is not. Your mind is matter-less ; it has no mass, i.e., it’s massless (not weighable in a gravitational field). Meaning: You can use matter (mass; physical brain) to “display” information (mind) but you cannot use matter (mass; physical brain) to “create” information (mind). Information comes from something/Someone other thanmatter.Thus, because information is a non-material entity, its origin is likewise not explicable by material processes. Question: If information is a non-material entity (and it is), what causes information to come into existence –what is the initiating factor? What causes us to write a word into the sand, or to write a postcard, or a diary entry? Answer : That non-material entity called the will, or the will of another person (sender) who assigned the task to us. According to Dr. Gitt, there are five levels of information [statistics (signals which lead to symbols which lead to an alphabet which lead to words/codes), syntax (words/codes lead to grammar which lead to sentences), semantics (the meaning of words lead to information), pragmatics (information leads to action), apobetics (action leads to purpose and results)], that make up the Law of Nature (scientific law) about information. Thus, information is always present when all five levels are observed in a system. According to Dr. Gitt, there are also ten laws that make up the Law of Nature about information : 1. Anything material, such as physical/chemical process, cannot create something non-material Meaning: Your brain cannot create your mind. Brain transplants are impossible. Why? Because you cannot create something non-material (mind) from something material (brain). According to Wikipedia : …brain transplants have not been feasible and were widely regarded as improbable if not impossible. 30 2. Information is an invisible non-material fundamental entity and not a property of matter, thus matter and energy are not all that exist Meaning: Non-material/non-matter entities do exist. Fact: The real YOU is not your body (material entity), but YOU (non- material entity) inside your body. 3. Information requires a material medium for storage and transmission Meaning: You can have a physical brain without a mind, but you cannot have a mind without a physical brain (that is, information requires a “material medium” for storage and transmission). 4. Information cannot originate in statistical processes Meaning: Information doesn’t come from data/codes ( statistical processes - hieroglyphics/DNA). Data/codes come from information (that is, all data/codes that we know the origin of come from an informative mind). Thus, data/codes ( statistical processes ) must have an intelligent source to be considered information. Simply put, chance plus time (randomness) cannot create information no matter how many chances or how much time is available. 5. There can be no information without a code Meaning: Information within all communications systems contains a code. Since codes (syntax) are based on signals (statistics) and signals come from senders (communicators), no information can be sent without a code-sender (someone trying to communicate a message). Thus, there can be no information without a code – code meaning expected action/ intended purpose. 6. All codes result from an intentional choice and agreement between sender and recipient Meaning: For two people to effectively communicate there must be some agreement on the language or code that is used. 7. The determination of meaning for and from a set of symbols is a mental process that requires intelligence Meaning: Any given chain of information can be traced backward to an intelligent source. 8. There can be no new information without an intelligent, purposeful sender Meaning: Information always depends upon the will of a sender who issues the information. Thus, information arises only through will (intention and purpose, not randomness). 9. Any given chain of information can be traced back to an intelligent source Meaning: Since information is a non-material entity and cannot originate from a material entity (man), man must have a non- material component (spirit) which can only be traced back to a non-material intelligent source (God is Spirit – Jn 4:23-24). 10. Information comprises the non-material foundation for all technological systems, works of art, and biological systems (DNA can be thought of as a tape on which is a string of letters in a chemical language that contains just four letters, which point to four chemical bases: C,G,A, and T – Cytosine, Guanine, Adenine, and Thymine): Meaning: Since information is non-material and the third fundamental entity, and it comprises the non-material foundation for all technological systems, works of art, and biological systems, then all theories of chemical and biological evolution,
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