The Strand Study Bible
EXODUS “MINI” SERIES The Doctrine of Man
I. The Origin of Man
Lesson #l. The creation of man (Gen 2:7) One’s view of the origin of man will certainly affect his entire understanding and attitude toward man. If, for example, man is the product of evolution, then the extent of the effects of sin and the need of a Savior is eliminated ( Gen 1:11,24 , Job 26:7 & Jud 14:8 , Eccl 1:9 , Mt 12:12 , Mk 5:25 , Acts 17:18 , II Pet 3:3 and Religious Note after Dan 8:27). II. The Nature of Man Lesson #2 . Man is a “tripartite” (Gen 1:26) According to the Bible, man was designed by God to be of a triune nature: body , soul , and spirit . According to Bible Numeric experts, the number three is the number that stands for that which is solid , real , entire , and complete ( Deut 6:4 ). In other words, the triune nature of man represents “the whole man.” For example, two straight lines cannot possibly enclose any space, or form a plane figure; neither can two plane surfaces form a solid. However, three lines (i.e., three dimensions of length, breadth, and height) can and are necessary to form a cube (that which is solid). Hence, the number three is the symbol of that which is complete . All things that suggest “completeness” appear to be stamped with the number three: * God’s universe is composed of three elements: space , time , and matter . * Space is also a trinity consisting of width , depth , and height . * Time is also a trinity consisting of past , present , and future . * Matter is also a trinity consisting of solid , liquid , and gas . * Electricity is also a trinity consisting of light , heat , and power . * Three kingdoms embrace our ideas of matter : animal , vegetable , and mineral . * Three persons, in grammar, express and include all the relationships of mankind: first , second , and third person (singular or plural). * Three propositions are necessary to complete the simplest form of argument: the major premise , the minor , and the conclusion . * Human capability is also a trinity consisting of thought , word , and deed . As we turn our thoughts to the Scriptures, this completion appears divine . For example, * Three is the number associated with the Godhead; Father , Son , and Holy Spirit (I Jn 5:7). God is a Trinity in unity and the fact that God is the great “three-in-one” should be no more difficult to understand than a husband and wife being two and yet “one-flesh.” * The third day of creation was all about botany (i.e., plant life). It is to be noted that on the preceding two days of creation nothing is ever mentioned or dealt with except inorganic matter. In that realm there is no growth, reproduction, changes or mutation. Things remain as they originate, subject only to the laws of degeneration. For example, granite decomposes, suffers erosion, and becomes in turn gravel, sand, and soil, but there are no infant “granites” being brought into being by the rocks of this system. The plants on day three are the first things to appear with the power to “resurrect” (i.e., reproduce). Hence, three is the number for resurrection. * The third day Jesus rose from the dead * Jesus had a three-year ministry * Jesus raised three people from the dead * Jesus is recorded to have wept three times * There were three inscriptions on the cross in three different languages showing the completeness of his rejection by man * Jesus is referred to as The “Good Shepherd” (Jn 10:14), The “Great Shepherd” (Heb 13:20), and The “Chief Shepherd” (I Pet 4:5) * Jesus’ office is threefold: prophet, priest, and king It is quite evident that God appears to enjoy working in threes . Why? Because three appears to be the number that suggests “completeness.” It is to be noted that man is to be distinguished from all other earthly creatures in that he was created in the image and likeness of God. Like God, man has an immaterial nature. That is, man was created with both a spirit and a soul . Although man was designed by God to be a three-part creation, only the soul (mind, heart, and will) and the spirit were made in the image and likeness of God. The bo dy simply houses that image.
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